Tag Archives: broad-shoulders

Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Tries New Recreational Drugs Dude Assaults Air BNB Guest Crash on Livestream Woman Fails Breathalizer…. Driver VS Joggers Stripped Topless Cops taken out Drifting of the Day The post Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day

Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day

Sistine Stallone is Sylvester Stallone’s daughter who’s face is a little too Sylvester Stallone looking for my liking….but she’s flashing her panties…and they are magical because they are celebrity kids, rich kids, brats who people only care about because their dad is Rambo, and that alone makes the pussy properly broken and A-List… He probably neglected as he was being famous, probably fucking all kind of models, not limited to Brigitte Nielsen, who is the original Bruce Jenner…chick with a dick, at least in broad shoulders… But she’s got a trust fund and people fuck with anything associated with celebrity…up on trying to be the next Kardashian…but failing…unless you think upskirts are a win…and I do….I think exactly that… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day

Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day

Hilary Duff is thick and strong, and not some dainty little thing, she looks like she’d be great at helping you move, or even at riding your dick thanks to all the strength in those thighs… She’s got the crossfit body, broad shoulders, big ass, and normally I’d be repulsed by the manliness of the whole thing, but for some reason, I like it on her, I like her power, her mom body, it’s erotic to me…and it confuses me…because I didn’t like her when she was all young and not a power lifter… I saw this picture of her and her bunnytail in leggings and I though “that is perfect”…maybe it was perfect phone, perfect dichotomy of sweet and fluffy and big and terrifying, but perfect nonetheless… She also whores herself for Candy Companies and doesn’t let the fans know that she’s being paid to promote the candy in something the FCC is supposed to be cracking down on…give the people a disclaimer – trick… Here are some more pictures of her leaving Catch in LA CLICK HERE Here’s a massive Collection of all things Hilary Duff Looking Hot CLICK HERE The post Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day

Hayden Panettiere’s Big Shoulders Getting Out of Bed in a G-String of the Day

Hayden Panettiere who is around 4 and half feet tall and was rumored to have been part of a weird sex ring in the 80s Hollywood, where she was past around rich guys when she was underage because Hollywood is notorious for weird eccentrics who fuck underage people…because it’s not a crime if you never get arrested or some shit… A rumor, that is just a rumor, but that would explain her vagina’s ability to take her 6 foot 7 tall husband and baby daddy’s dick, that we can assume makes some real fucking creepy circus sex…..like the little midget clown and the tall man they are as a couple… That said, she was another one of these 16 year old girls who the general american fell for….who turned 18 and was forgotten, but as long as G-string, even mom in a G-string happens…she’s still the little strong man with broad shoulders I thought was overrated when she was relevant but would still watch fuck…because it seems so intriguing… The post Hayden Panettiere’s Big Shoulders Getting Out of Bed in a G-String of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hayden Panettiere’s Big Shoulders Getting Out of Bed in a G-String of the Day

Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day

Her name is Sistine Stallone. She is Sylvestor Stallone’s daughter who he probably neglected as he was being famous, probably fucking all kind of models, not limited to Brigitte Nielsen, who is the original Bruce Jenner…chick with a dick, at least in broad shoulders… Her name is SISTINE STALLONE aand she’s luckily not the child of Brigitte Nielsen, thanks to Britgitte Nielsen having a penis..because Brigitte Nielsen is terrifying…but rather Jennifer Flavin, who is still married to Stallone… Well, like all girls on instagram and social media, especially celebrity and rich person kids, she wants to be a model like her momma… It’s like why bother using the unlimited resources the family has to do somehting good in the world, but rather go pose for photographers and brands who like leveraging the family name to sell product… It’s a trend that has probably always been a trend…based on Melanie Griffith..and I guess we shouldn’t expect anything less vapid from these people… She’s 16…and look out for her…she’s working on being the next Jenner and Hadid…#GOALS. Her instagram is not nearly slutty enough..I am sure she’ll work on that… Here’s her dad’s creepy instagrams: The post Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day

Dani King Gold Medal Cyclist Bikini Pics of the Day

Her name is Dani King and if you’re a weirdo who gets off to the Olympics cuz you only have one channel and like masturbating to TV, you’re probably aware of her….. The truth is that athletes are fit and fit is better than fat…cuz fat is disgusing…and fit means she puts in fucking work…has stamina to bounce on my dick for an hour and despite her broad shoulders and narrow hips…her high testosterone from her muscle mass actually leads to serious fucking horniness…and aggression she likes getting fucked out of her….. Sure holding onto her 5% body fat that is rock hard and not quite erotic and soft and lady like like you’re used to may be weird at first….but when you see she doesn’t gas out as easily….even when getting choked…her drive, focus and winning attitude comes in handy…not to mention all that endorsement money….good times… Either way, She’s Gold Medal Winning Cyclist…and she’s in a Bikini… TO SEE THE REST OF HER PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Dani King Gold Medal Cyclist Bikini Pics of the Day

Hilary Swank is a Dude in Tight Pants of the Day

Anyone else jerk off in Hilary Swank’s break out performance as the Boy who Doesn’t Cry who wasn’t a boy but a girl who rocked a fake dick and short hair all lesbionic with a trimmed bush and rockin’ tits she ACE bandaged down…or was I the only one capable of ignoring her broad shoulders that got her cast to play a dude in the first place…coupled with her horse lookin’ head…cuz I was too busy focusing on the 4 second window of opportunity I call “FULL FRONTAL RAPE SCENE”…. You know there was a time when I couldn’t afford the internet and rated NC-17 movies was all the porn I had access too….I figure it’s better than jerking off to weirder shit like your mom’s soiled panties or some shit…. Either way, ugly or not, I’m digging her ass proper…fit and round is perfect enough for me…cuz I can ignore the rest of her….It really is a talent that only works if the chick isn’t fat… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Hilary Swank is a Dude in Tight Pants of the Day

Molly Ringwald and her Boobs Look Horrible of the Day

I’ve seen all the 80s movies and I don’t think Molly Ringwald was ever cast as the hot chick…I doubt guys every had crushes on her…I knew she was the weird awkward looking skinny chick other girls could relate to. So there was no surprise she’d age horribly, but I didn’t expect her to ever look like this….seriously…this is the kind of girl you put in a rehab center with rapists and sex addicts to turn them asexual….lend her to Tiger Woods for a month and dude will be fine….or the kind of person closet case fags date so that they don’t have to dive into homosexuality but can test the waters thanks to her her broad shoulders and thick back… She’s doing Yoga, showing off some mom tit, not bothering anyone, so I am an asshole disrupting her quiet life that came when she escaped from Hollywood, one far less morbid than Corey Haim, but I do think people should think about getting her more work…I’m sure tons of movies need someone to play the school janitor…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Molly Ringwald and her Boobs Look Horrible of the Day