Tag Archives: always-feeling

Sarah Hyland in her Trailer of the Day

Here’s a nice black and white picture of Sarah Hyland not looking like the creepy hormone deficient creature her stage parents created up on some Gary Coleman, never get old, kick…the big producers like that because they can keep a series alive for as long as it is needed…she’s also not looking like the kind of girl who would get a restraining order on a dude she made crazy enough to beat her…possibly because of her high maintenance celebrity attitude…or maybe becuase she’s out there taking seductive pics for her fans…and no dude wants the love of his life…who he is leveraging to make himself famous…doing any of that…so you gotta beat some sense into her… All this to say, I’ve said way too much about a picture of Sarah Hyland. The post Sarah Hyland in her Trailer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Sarah Hyland in her Trailer of the Day

Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day

Her name is Sistine Stallone. She is Sylvestor Stallone’s daughter who he probably neglected as he was being famous, probably fucking all kind of models, not limited to Brigitte Nielsen, who is the original Bruce Jenner…chick with a dick, at least in broad shoulders… Her name is SISTINE STALLONE aand she’s luckily not the child of Brigitte Nielsen, thanks to Britgitte Nielsen having a penis..because Brigitte Nielsen is terrifying…but rather Jennifer Flavin, who is still married to Stallone… Well, like all girls on instagram and social media, especially celebrity and rich person kids, she wants to be a model like her momma… It’s like why bother using the unlimited resources the family has to do somehting good in the world, but rather go pose for photographers and brands who like leveraging the family name to sell product… It’s a trend that has probably always been a trend…based on Melanie Griffith..and I guess we shouldn’t expect anything less vapid from these people… She’s 16…and look out for her…she’s working on being the next Jenner and Hadid…#GOALS. Her instagram is not nearly slutty enough..I am sure she’ll work on that… Here’s her dad’s creepy instagrams: The post Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sistine Stallone’s Instgram of the Day

Hadid Sisters are the Sister Fetish of the Day

Anyone who has dated a girl who has a sister, and possibly some of you who have sisters, will know that sister fetishes are a totally normal thing… This can include wanting to see sisters go at each other…like a couple of lesbians showing off the moves their dad taught them to entertain his bowling team buddies…you know just masturbating together for attention because girls love attention… It can also include wanting to fuck the sister of the girl you’re fucking, even if she’s not as hot, not that you ever end up with the hot sister, loser…because fucking girls from the same family…seems bad… Making these Hadid Sisters…milking the attention they are getting…touching each other…like their media / fame whore / money grubbing Los Angeles based family taught them….and I find it hot…because 2 are better than 1…. The post Hadid Sisters are the Sister Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hadid Sisters are the Sister Fetish of the Day

Taylor Swift- Up Against a Pole of the Day

There are girls who have an insatiable sex drive. You know, the kind of girl who is always horny, always wet, always feeling a tingle between her legs that she just can’t release no matter how many times she masturbates. You know the kind of girl who crosses her legs and squeeze throughout the day, when not rockin’ her BENWAI balls…or even taking bathroom breaks to rub one out quick… These are the girls who are all over tinder, or cam sites, just fucking ready to fuck anyone, just get her a dick or a mouth to ride…and in an oversexed world…they are very attainable and easy to find…sexually liberated…. Taylor Swift, and her sexually history, serial dating, broken hearts for the media, but that has a deeper rooted story…seems like she may be one of those girls…as she grinds up on a pole in concert…you know rub up against anything you can…and try to be discrete about it… We’re onto you…pervert. The post Taylor Swift- Up Against a Pole of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift- Up Against a Pole of the Day

Heidi Klum Tries to Save Fat People of the Day

Heidi Klum’s amazing bikini/lingerie model tits have disappeared…I blame Seal for turning her into a baby factory who needs all the resources in her body, like some kind of cancer patient, or car accident victim to restore all the damage that’s been done to her pussy by his big black german S&M loving, shit and piss eating Dick…..and the first casualty is always the tits, or maybe she’s taking this running thing way too seriously, and shit’s just melted off cuz it’s always the first to go when bitches decide to start working out, leading me to think she’s better off eating estrogen and hormones in the food than promoting this running shit…cuz personally, I like my 40 year old ex models bustier than this…we should start an intervetion…. Either way, here she is trying to change fat people….like the Nazi she’s meant to be..typica german…all population controlling and pragmatic…. seeking the master race one where fat people don’t exist..kinda scary if you ask me…Hitler Klum… Here’s the bonus – maybe she’s pregnant a 30th time pic for you weirdos who like freakishly fertile people…

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Heidi Klum Tries to Save Fat People of the Day

Pippa Middleton in Tight Shorts of the Day

I would love Pippa Middleton’s daddy issues dripping off my dick…You know all that inner torment that comes from being second to your sister who went off and married a future king…making anyone she ever dates look like some kind of fucking loser…always feeling inadequate in the family’s eye “why can’t you be more like kate, I mean Duchess Katherine, she sold her soul for the monarchy and all you’ve done is jogged in spandex short”….I am sure those emotional issues lead to great fucking head….

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Pippa Middleton in Tight Shorts of the Day