Daisy Lowe and her daddy issues wore a see through dress to show off her underwear…to let you know that just because her dad fucks trannies like Gwen Stefani…and an actual official tranny…because rockstars from Australia are weird…they are also deadbeat dads who don’t trust their whore groupies when they claim their kids…like Daisy Lowe are theirs…so they do paternity tests, or what Daisy Lowe calls “Lottery Ticket”…because when there was no proof of paternity it coulda been any dude who mom let inside her… I’m a fan of everything about her. Here’s another butt shot…. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Natalia Bulycheva is some ballet posing model…because I guess that’s how communism works…and I love her… I am just disappointed that she’s not on some mail order bride site, unless Stolnick magazine is a mail order bride site….I’m too lazy to check….and too busy trying to give my half retard brain some culture in a “so this is ballet, I didn’t see Black Swan lesbianism with Mila Kunis, and I don’t really hit up Nutcracker every year because I am no faggot. When you think about flexible skinny chicks in leotards..all that dance and gay shit goes out the window…and becomes straight softcore communist Russia fetish porn….with articles of clothing that rub tits and pussy at the same time due to genius engineering…. The only thing to fear with Russian women, is that they are spies and killing machines…with Russian mobster boyfriends who will kill you, so it’s better to focus your Russian fetish on cam girls not magazine models living in Europe…..but you can follow their Instagram The post Natalia Bulycheva is Some Model doing Ballet for Stolnick of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Daisy Lowe is great and not just because she’s got tits…or because she’s turned those tits into hipster modeling before everyone was doing it…back before she had kids and was in her 30s… Sure, she was able to leverage her dad who denied being her dad most of her life…until he got paternity tested…and her stepmom Gwen Stefani, causing strain on that weirdo relationship, that has since allowed her dad to go back to fucking real trannies…not just pop stars who look like one… But she’s always had tits…tits that may not be as awesome today as they were back then when she was everywhere…but still tits…as tits remain until they get breast cancer and RIP…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daddy Issues Daisy Lowe in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
If you ask any girl…she’ll say she’ll have daddy issues…so I guess the daddy issue reference just doesn’t hold ground…or maybe it is just being overused…maybe daddy issues is just an excuse girls have for being sluts, or whores, or prude…or annoying, or bitches…maybe daddy issues is a copout, or a bullshit excuse for bad behavior…or maybe daddy issues is just being a girl… But I do know that Daisy Lowe didn’t have a dad for her entire childhood, but foiund out due to paternity tests…that her dad was some tranny fucking Gwen Stefani husband…who was rich as fukc in his own right…making her a socialite model…and existing…. I also know she’s posting nudes on instagram…so it could be unrelated…but let’s pretend it’s daddy issues…since it always is… The post Daisy Lowe Nude on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I like all things with daddy issues…even though I think all things have daddy issues…because why else is every girl fucking crazy…from good home or not…maybe the idea of daddy issue should just be thrown out the window and instead we’ll just call it “capable of having a period”….but then that would exclude the meth addicts and old bitches in menopause who are just as daddy issue crazy..but can’t get their periods… Not that it matters…what matters is Daisy Lowe’s level of lovely..in her see through but not really dress that shows her underwear that’s not really underwear….but meant to be seen for fashion and maybe a little attention that could be because her dad is a tranny fucking, Gwen Stefani Marrying, Australian perverts who had to paternity test her…when she was old enough to be scarred from the experience…and that’s a good thing…to me… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe’s See Through Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Even though her tramp stamp, that I think is a “bow”…like her ass is a present, is still a fucking tramp stamp, despite me loving tramp stamps, they date her… I have to agree with her trashy, rich, Mexican ass for doing this to herself, permanently marking her daddy issues, and confience..because that ass is a present – the kind I would want to venture into for a anal and vaginal easter egg hunt…you know fill this fertile bitch up, and go at it wrist deep, which wont be an issue thanks to the two kids she had for marketing her organic baby food brand….the same reason she still pretends to be married… Either way, they are on vacation, from the whole billionaire life…and bikinis were worn…and I liked it…even though I think ALba is the worst… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jessica Alba’s Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I lost interest in Ireland Baldwin when she turned 18….and a lesbian…but not just any kind of lesbian…one in an interracial relationship with a girl who sings about being raped by her relatives until her asshole bleeds..and she couldn’t walk….no joke… I guess I always knew she had enough testosterone to carry a dyke relationship, and being dyke is trendy as fuck now, especially when you’re a little rich girl with daddy issues…it fits in perfect at Coachella and with your ambien, adderall and medical marijuana license… All this to say, she’s half naked, I guess she still wants to be a model…and that’s ok…because half naked is fun…even on big scary lesbians…as long as the strap on isn’t pointed at me…for rape until my asshole bleeds and I can’t walk…I’m not urban enough to make music about that hurt….that leads to weak celebrity daughters to take over the minds of…ya know… The post Ireland Baldwin in Lingrie for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Nicola Peltz was the new talent – that may or may not be talented – but that looks good – and who wants to be famous because that’s what every motherfucker wants…except me…I think the whole fame thing is stupid. Especially when you’re Nicola Peltz, and up on some billionaire hustle…..with a trust fund and the luxury to afford anything… It is safe to say her dad financed the whole movie she was in…or maybe works with the producers and directors and said “put my baby in, I got her a pony already, I need to gift her better, so that she doesn’t hate me for choosing my career over her, you know girls with daddy issues…no one wants to be the daddy to one of those sluts”… But who cares why or how she happened, lets just be happy she happened.
I guess Tara Reid is trolling us…but I can’t really be too sure. It’s like she’s either loving all the attention she’s finally getting again, thanks to being in Sharknado, a job she probably signed up to thinking was the end for her, but was just desperate to get some income, that totally turned around for her…something she doesn’t want to let dry up like her body… Or she knows she looks like a zombie corpse coming to eat our brains in some Springbreak themed straight to netflix low budget movie that can afford her 1000 dollar day rate, but can’t afford a make-up artist, so they’ll just ride of her malnourished body and soul, thanks to drinking, drugs and some of the worst fake tits ever bought…that she’s signed up to. And the weird thing is that I love it. I think she thinks she looks hotter than I think she does….but in my defines I have an frail, old, leathery like a boot of a woman who has lived the beach party life 40 years too long, a real lifer, too weak to run, but never too week for body shots…fetish I think these are her third set of bikini pics in the last 10 days…genius.
Nicki Minaj is promoter her new “racy” and “exciting” hit single called Anaconda, that she twerks in, and her marketing team has been releasing all kinds of teasers to get people to talk about her, like these pics of her giving Drake a lap dance, which would seemingly be outrageous, if we were in the 70s or 80s, but in our era, these two could release a sex tape and I’d say everyone would want to see it, 20 percent of people would pay to see it, but no one would really care, notice or remember 3 months later… Meaning, we’ve been raised, conditioned and exposed to internet porn, and if a self promoting chick wants to get any of excited about a music video, there best be live sex in it…because otherwise…it’s just another music video and we’ve all seen those before.. I assume this video comes out today, but I haven’t looked into it, because I don’t care about some money grubber pulling cheap tricks to get money…..unless it’s more hardcore…than some white girl in a black body hired as an actress to play a rapper for white girls to idolize….while making millions…self promoting… I guess I know too many actual sluts, but her ass is ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Drake’s strip club patron face. Remember he is an actor before a rapper…kinda like Nicki Minaj…maybe they are all just lying to us as they exploit hip hop….sounds about right.