Tag Archives: rich-as-fukc

Lucy Hale’s Ass Grabbed on the Beach of the Day

Lucy Hale is the 40 year old who plays what I assume is a teenager on Pretty Little Liars because Pretty Little Liars is a show for teens and why would teens want to watch 40 year olds…unless they are the annoying mom that never lets the teen character hang with her friends…or the quirky mom who is single, overwhelmed in her vintage clothing business who buys the kids booze for the party…or some shit.. Well she’s in a bikini….and she’s not Ashley Benson…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE WHile this is Ashley Benson TO SEE ALL THE PICS BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH ASHLEY BENSON CLICK HERE The post Lucy Hale’s Ass Grabbed on the Beach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lucy Hale’s Ass Grabbed on the Beach of the Day

Daisy Lowe Nude on Instagram of the Day

If you ask any girl…she’ll say she’ll have daddy issues…so I guess the daddy issue reference just doesn’t hold ground…or maybe it is just being overused…maybe daddy issues is just an excuse girls have for being sluts, or whores, or prude…or annoying, or bitches…maybe daddy issues is a copout, or a bullshit excuse for bad behavior…or maybe daddy issues is just being a girl… But I do know that Daisy Lowe didn’t have a dad for her entire childhood, but foiund out due to paternity tests…that her dad was some tranny fucking Gwen Stefani husband…who was rich as fukc in his own right…making her a socialite model…and existing…. I also know she’s posting nudes on instagram…so it could be unrelated…but let’s pretend it’s daddy issues…since it always is… The post Daisy Lowe Nude on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daisy Lowe Nude on Instagram of the Day