Tag Archives: self-promoting

Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day

Merry Christmas to all and to all a bunch of pics of Farrah Abraham in lingerie because christmas is about giving and receiving the shittiest gifts and either throwing a tantrum or pretending you love it because like Lady Gaga. You can act too….we all can…it’s called lying and what better way to do it than on the day we celebrate Jesus and his birth even if it is not his birthday at all but the corporations need the strong end of year…. Here she is in her slutty santa bikini TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day

Dog Faced Nina Agdal Bikini of the Day

It may be Christmas but updating the site with bikini pics of sluts who produce their half naked pics all the fucking time makes it pretty easy for me to post them up and make fun of them for being old haggard and far uglier than they appear to be which in Nina Agdals case is pretty ugly…thanks to that retard face or should I call her simple…isn’t that the politically correct way…even though everyone will get offended by everything… We are waiting for people to be offended by Ots a wonderful life instead of seeing it as a timeless story…that can inspire us all…to not kill ourselves… In the meantime we can watch Nina self promoting, working on Christmas for that JEWISH money she tries to fuck everyday day of the year so that everyday is Christmas for her and I guess it’s Christmas for you. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Dog Faced Nina Agdal Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dog Faced Nina Agdal Bikini of the Day

Iggy Azalea’s Ass Implants of the Day

Iggy Azalea, still disgusting. Still shamelessly self promoting like the stripper she pretends she was as a teenager in Miami after running away from home in Australia and ending up in Miami..where she worked underage….sounds like a legit story you fucking bottom feeding pop bullshit with a fake bottom…. She has an album or single out and I preferred when she wasn’t promoting nonsense and was just a fat ass no one really cared about or remembered existed because she’s that kind of star. Here she is slutty on Instagram JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Iggy Azalea’s Ass Implants of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iggy Azalea’s Ass Implants of the Day

Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day

Rachel Cook is some low level model – who I don’t think I’ve heard of and who isn’t Rachel Leigh Cook – who I originally thought she was – because I have early onslaught alzheimers and don’t remember that Rachel Leigh Cook was a teen actor 30 fucking years ago…and has since disappeared…leaving the name open for girls like this Rachel Cook to grab and make their own…as they take nude photos for magazines…that are hardly magazines…showing their tits…to get 1 million followers on social media, mainly instagram, a place filled with self promoting cunts self promoting, as nothing on that platform is just casual and fun, but all is about making money, promoting product, and it’s annoying…but 50,000 people like each of her pics…pretty good for someone who barely exists… Here are her tits in a couple of shoots – cuz she’s working hard to make whatever it is she’s trying to make happen….something I assume is VS MODEL JOBS… The post Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Mooch Sister of the Day

A day is not a day if I don’t post fame whoring, self promoting, shameless yet casually low level slutty in her content, calculated cock tease, always in the gym, pretending to be 18 but actually in her late 30s and a mom of three who does this when she’s not helping the kids with their homework… I am repetitive on this fit body only because I have fucked 18 year olds in the last decade and none spend their lives in the gym and when they do, they don’t look like this…but maybe, it’s hormones in the food, hitting puberty at a young age due to stresses caused by her family whoring her out… But I still post Bella Thorne everyday, I don’t feel compete if I don’t…she’s manipulated her way into my content cycle…clever thing…for International Women’s Day…reminding girls they can be commodities… She’s already recruited her hipster sister, who I am convinced is actually her daughter, to pull off the same hustle…cash in when you can….with fitness porn…because you’re still hireable in you slutting… The post Bella Thorne’s Mooch Sister of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Mooch Sister of the Day

Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day

I find it very difficult in my core to celebrate anything a Kardashian or Jenner does. Whether it inspires TRANS people everywhere or not, the truth is these are self involved, media absorbed, opportunists and nothing they do is honest, pure or organic. It is all fucking calculated. Sure, getting tits and telling the world you’re a woman is a very twisted and weird thing to do for fame, or the family brand…and I am sure they are independent of one another, but I just feel like it is manipulation based on everything they’ve done to make their 100 million dollars a year… Just a bunch of egotistical, self absorbed, horribly people, whatever gender they are…. Here’s the young one in a tight dress, self promoting as these people do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day

Cailin Russo Topless of the Day

I’ve made fun of Cailin Russo a little bit because that’s what I do when I like girls. It is also what I do when I hate girls. So it is hard to differentiate the two…not that I actually care about any of these girls. They only exist in my inbox as they are self promoting themselves aggressively, trying to be “it girls” or part of campaigns – because it validates them and helps grow their social media – so that they feel more important than the other girls who aren’t as eager for attention… Now I don’t hate that, I like girls who get in front of the camera – especially when topless…but there are just so many of them, it’s hard to really differentiate one from the other. They all blend into one hipster pile of hair on a skinny body with shitty tattoos…that I would ejaculate on, but in my defence I’ve ejaculated on some weird shit in my day…from kitchen tables to public door knobs…to college desks to panties found at the laundromat…I’m talent. I just think in the grand scheme of everything – in my life and your life – no matter how much money she makes, or how shitty her dad’s punk band is, she doesn’t matter…you could argue that nothing matters..and I guess you’d be right…but along with nothing comes Cailin – just in the right circle – Russo…and here are her tits.

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Cailin Russo Topless of the Day

Tara Reid’s Instagram Bikini Pics Continue of the Day

I guess Tara Reid is trolling us…but I can’t really be too sure. It’s like she’s either loving all the attention she’s finally getting again, thanks to being in Sharknado, a job she probably signed up to thinking was the end for her, but was just desperate to get some income, that totally turned around for her…something she doesn’t want to let dry up like her body… Or she knows she looks like a zombie corpse coming to eat our brains in some Springbreak themed straight to netflix low budget movie that can afford her 1000 dollar day rate, but can’t afford a make-up artist, so they’ll just ride of her malnourished body and soul, thanks to drinking, drugs and some of the worst fake tits ever bought…that she’s signed up to. And the weird thing is that I love it. I think she thinks she looks hotter than I think she does….but in my defines I have an frail, old, leathery like a boot of a woman who has lived the beach party life 40 years too long, a real lifer, too weak to run, but never too week for body shots…fetish I think these are her third set of bikini pics in the last 10 days…genius.

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Tara Reid’s Instagram Bikini Pics Continue of the Day

Nicki Minaj Anaconda Lap Dance of the Day

Nicki Minaj is promoter her new “racy” and “exciting” hit single called Anaconda, that she twerks in, and her marketing team has been releasing all kinds of teasers to get people to talk about her, like these pics of her giving Drake a lap dance, which would seemingly be outrageous, if we were in the 70s or 80s, but in our era, these two could release a sex tape and I’d say everyone would want to see it, 20 percent of people would pay to see it, but no one would really care, notice or remember 3 months later… Meaning, we’ve been raised, conditioned and exposed to internet porn, and if a self promoting chick wants to get any of excited about a music video, there best be live sex in it…because otherwise…it’s just another music video and we’ve all seen those before.. I assume this video comes out today, but I haven’t looked into it, because I don’t care about some money grubber pulling cheap tricks to get money…..unless it’s more hardcore…than some white girl in a black body hired as an actress to play a rapper for white girls to idolize….while making millions…self promoting… I guess I know too many actual sluts, but her ass is ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Drake’s strip club patron face. Remember he is an actor before a rapper…kinda like Nicki Minaj…maybe they are all just lying to us as they exploit hip hop….sounds about right.

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Nicki Minaj Anaconda Lap Dance of the Day

Nicki Minaj Anaconda Lap Dance of the Day

Nicki Minaj is promoter her new “racy” and “exciting” hit single called Anaconda, that she twerks in, and her marketing team has been releasing all kinds of teasers to get people to talk about her, like these pics of her giving Drake a lap dance, which would seemingly be outrageous, if we were in the 70s or 80s, but in our era, these two could release a sex tape and I’d say everyone would want to see it, 20 percent of people would pay to see it, but no one would really care, notice or remember 3 months later… Meaning, we’ve been raised, conditioned and exposed to internet porn, and if a self promoting chick wants to get any of excited about a music video, there best be live sex in it…because otherwise…it’s just another music video and we’ve all seen those before.. I assume this video comes out today, but I haven’t looked into it, because I don’t care about some money grubber pulling cheap tricks to get money…..unless it’s more hardcore…than some white girl in a black body hired as an actress to play a rapper for white girls to idolize….while making millions…self promoting… I guess I know too many actual sluts, but her ass is ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Drake’s strip club patron face. Remember he is an actor before a rapper…kinda like Nicki Minaj…maybe they are all just lying to us as they exploit hip hop….sounds about right.

Nicki Minaj Anaconda Lap Dance of the Day