It’s not a selfie unless you throw your pussy into it…innit… It is the holidays, I am on dodgy internet in a fucking igloo in Canada… Trying to break down this pussy in panties for social media shamelessness doesn’t matter when we can all just enjoy how ugly people troll the world and become the Kardashian family of billionaires… All these people are idiots, but a 21 year old skinny chick who gets lipo from her stomach to inject that fat in her ass…is always entertaining… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!
Is Iskra Lawrence taking a bath or soaking in brine for the cookout? She’s a scam, a model who couldn’t make it as a model, so she got herself fat to be accepted as a model in the plus sized world….making her a cultural appropriator…or bitch in a Fat Suit, doing Fat Face like it’s Black Face and the fat people believe her cuz she’s actually fat, and don’t realize it’s a role, like Russell Crowe playing that dude who ran Fox… Either way….normalizing fat is bad for the world – it is what the man wants – to sell more chronic medications – to have a sick nation that doesn’t resist or progress – and all these people saying “look it’s ok to be fat”….are just fucking eating themselves to death….thinking it’s hot…when it’s not.. They will all fucking die prematurely….and this sexualization of the fat woman as more than just a sick fetish for a guy who had a fat mom…is fucked. The post Iskra Lawrence Fat Nip Slip of the Day appeared first on .
Fergie is not dead, even if the meth addict who managed to pull herself out of the meth, before developing an opiate addiction to chill out on the meth, should probably dead from the Fentanyl overdose, like all these people dying of Fentanyl, but rather like a cockroach with too much money and too much positive influence and feedback…constant affirmations..people telling her she’s great so that bitch gets up in a bikini on her social media… At least she’s fit in her old age…and that her butt videos don’t focus on her faces of a meth…jacked up face of meth…and while looking at her it’s amazing that she had a kid at 60 years old…these rich people…they got all the good doctors…I mean except their plastic surgeons apparently… The post Fergie’s Got the Bikini Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on .
Announcing you are expecting a baby is fun, exciting and special no matter how you choose to do it. But these people have chosen to do it in especially unique and hilarious ways… 1. Coming Soon! This is a nice, creative, subtle way of announcing a pregnancy. But some small feet will soon be filling those shoes. 2. It’s Positive! It’s a positive pregnancy test! Can you tell which half of this couple is more excited about it? 3. Expect the Unexpected No, babies don’t come from storks. But this one is being used to announced one. 4. Sand Art This is one of the more artistic ways of announcing to friends and family members that you are expecting a child. 5. We’re Prego! They’re Prego! This type of announcement is both funny and, later, tasty. 6. Bun in the Oven There’s a literal bun in an actual oven in this humorous photo. But a figurative one is also on the way. View Slideshow
Announcing you are expecting a baby is fun, exciting and special no matter how you choose to do it. But these people have chosen to do it in especially unique and hilarious ways… 1. Coming Soon! This is a nice, creative, subtle way of announcing a pregnancy. But some small feet will soon be filling those shoes. 2. It’s Positive! It’s a positive pregnancy test! Can you tell which half of this couple is more excited about it? 3. Expect the Unexpected No, babies don’t come from storks. But this one is being used to announced one. 4. Sand Art This is one of the more artistic ways of announcing to friends and family members that you are expecting a child. 5. We’re Prego! They’re Prego! This type of announcement is both funny and, later, tasty. 6. Bun in the Oven There’s a literal bun in an actual oven in this humorous photo. But a figurative one is also on the way. View Slideshow
I don’t know if these people are Ariel Winter ‘s fans, or friends and family, or maybe just normal people she hires to follow her around to make her look hotter in pictures. But whatever the case, it’s definitely working. Although the Daisy Dukes and all that cleavage certainly doesn’t hurt either. Yee-haw.
Polina Malinovskaya…..Malinovskaya….. I wonder where she’s from? I guess that doesn’t really matter, because there are no borders on the internet, we are all god’s people, and by God, I mean Mark Zuckerberg’s…since he owns all that shit, which makes it more interesting as a concept….like all these people who are doing this instagram shit are really just jerking Zuckerberg off and making him stupid money…like a bunch of retard puppets in his hands… But when you’re name is Polina Malinovskaya….who you can follow Polina Malinovskaya …it may mean leaving her cold water one room concrete communist flat…and bring her to places like LA and coachella and all it takes is some EROTIC porno shoots… I wouldn’t hate to find out she’s American ,it’s less fun when locals are doing this same hustle, but I guess all girls are doing it…so it would make sense.. The post Polina Malinovskaya in Some Hipster Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Kendall Jenner so shameless…going to parties in a thong because she’s confident in her ass…as a kardashian without the ARMENIAN DNA – she’s been trained to be shameless…and sure her ass is good…but that doesn’t matter – she’s a Kardashian and thus shit…. The only thing we can hope that comes from this, other than shit, because it is an ass, an ass that starves itself but knows all the ass tricks thanks to being raised by it…even her father got in on it when he was in the process of cutting off his dick…these people can make anything – hairy monster or not look fuckable…fucking witch doctors or sorcerers.. The only thing we can hope comes from this, is that all the lame followers she’s got – start wearing their thongs around to events…I feel like it will make more things interesting – whether it is CHURCH or whatever event…thongs make it better – and the asses don’t need to be injected, cool sculpted or trained…any ass will do…just as long as it is in a thong to stare at. The world – is a weird place… TO SEE ALL THE WHORES AT COACHELLA CHECK THIS MASSIVE ROUND-UP BY CLICKING HERE The post Kendall Jenner – Butt Shot of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Good old American pussy. Created by good old fashion American hormone jacked up food, corn , Monsanto, fast food, and Victoria’s Secret…. Her body is weird to me, not that it’s not hot, it’s that wait to hip ration that seems off, like she had a rib surgically removed…and based on her being owned by Victoria’s Secret…I wouldn’t doubt modifications…because they are feminists who empower women by paying them a lot of money to reduce them to unrealistic body types other women envy and buy the panties they wear…because the world makes no sense… Well..she’s on the beach…and in a bikini and looks hot…despite the whole looking weirdly shaped….because she’s a victoria’s secret model from America…meaning she’s the best the USA has to offer…unless she is just really good at sucking know, because of Feminism…. WHO KNOWS….TAYLOR SWIFT DOES I BET….since she’s controlling our MINDS…..through her shitty music.. The post Martha Hunt’s Bikini Action of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bella Hadid is wearing a see through shirt in some photoshoot that is great for her self promotion, you know validate the rich girl as a model, more than just a rich kid who bought her career…and the whole thing isn’t that exciting to me, I’m not a Bella Hadid fan. I think she’s got an average at best face, she’s overrated, and not because I’m a racist who hates ARAB people…or think they are terrorists, but because I think there is such thing as rich people having access and perpetuating or projecting that they are hot or relevant -because of marketing scams that are just lying to all of us…FUCK these people like you’re the Weeknd and I guess anyone else she fucks and you know there’s a list..because she’s a groupie looking for validation…garbage but it’s got nipples The post Bella Hadid See Through TITTIES of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .