Tag Archives: rachel-leigh

Petty Petunia: Teyana Taylor Decided To Take One Last Jab At Jeremih By Bringing This Lady On Stage

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Source: Aaron J. Thornton / Getty Teyana Taylor’s Petty Level Is Through The Roof Teyana Taylor isn’t willing to let go of the Jeremih beef just yet, she’s still finding ways to rub it in. After getting him kicked off his own tour she decided to stick it to him one last time during a recent performance in Chicago. Taylor brought Rachel Leigh on stage, girlfriend to Ryan from Black Ink Chicago and the mother of Jeremih’s child. Teyana then proceeded to lead her in a sensual dance routine to “3Way,” a song from her recent album.

Petty Petunia: Teyana Taylor Decided To Take One Last Jab At Jeremih By Bringing This Lady On Stage

Kaley Cuoco Yoga Ass in Big Bang Statement of the Day

I am not in the mood to write bullshit blog posts on bullshit people – like I do everyday – day in and day out – in this thankless existence….because social media exists so that I don’t have to…and as I fade into obscurity – like I am on the Titanic and I’m the captain and have no choice but to go down with the ship…only instead of an overhyped ship, I’m an irrelevant titty blog… But then I saw this pic of Kaley Cuoco, who makes 1,000,000 dollars an episode – or more….which takes a bout a week to do…and thought…she’s got it figured out…because she’s turned her irrelevance into cash money….because she’s convined people she’s not irrelevant..even though she’s pushing 40 and not hot…and as she waits around…she takes butt shots for attention…all part of her calculated plan of not mattering but being very expensive in her hot mattering.. The post Kaley Cuoco Yoga Ass in Big Bang Statement of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kaley Cuoco Yoga Ass in Big Bang Statement of the Day

Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day

Rachel Cook is some low level model – who I don’t think I’ve heard of and who isn’t Rachel Leigh Cook – who I originally thought she was – because I have early onslaught alzheimers and don’t remember that Rachel Leigh Cook was a teen actor 30 fucking years ago…and has since disappeared…leaving the name open for girls like this Rachel Cook to grab and make their own…as they take nude photos for magazines…that are hardly magazines…showing their tits…to get 1 million followers on social media, mainly instagram, a place filled with self promoting cunts self promoting, as nothing on that platform is just casual and fun, but all is about making money, promoting product, and it’s annoying…but 50,000 people like each of her pics…pretty good for someone who barely exists… Here are her tits in a couple of shoots – cuz she’s working hard to make whatever it is she’s trying to make happen….something I assume is VS MODEL JOBS… The post Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachel Cook Model Tits of the Day

Rachael Leigh Cook’s Hot Cleavage Bomb

Where do I know Rachel Leigh Cook from? Did she play a vampire once and was she topless? Doesn’t matter, here she is out on the town dropping some pretty nice quality cleavage for us. I’m impressed, for such a small woman she’s got quite the ample bosom. Now I wish I knew for sure if there were some topless pictures out there. I want to see more. I will also accept bikini pictures or lesbian make out pictures. You decide.

WTF Happened To Rachael Leigh Cook?

What the f@#kles has happened to Rachel Leigh Cook ? She used to be so cute , cute enough to take home to meet mom. Now she’s just cute enough to take home after about a dozen mojitos.

Here is the original post:
WTF Happened To Rachael Leigh Cook?