Tag Archives: rubbing-suntan

Blake Lively Drops Some Glamorous Cleavage

I don’t know anything about this Savages movie, I think Oliver Stone had something to do with it, but Blake Lively was at the premiere last night and that’s all I need to know. Here she is looking almost too hot in her sexy dress as she walks the red carpet. I don’t know what else to tell you, she’s stunning, like a hotness taser just hit me in my bathing suit region. I like it. She looks like an old school Hollywood starlet, I’d like to untie her corset and go to town. Call me.

Doutzen Kroes Hot Bikini Mothering

I just love when supermodels go on vacation, you know they’re going to be prancing around half naked somewhere, It’s awesome. Here’s Doutzen Kroes on the beach in her bikini looking like the hottest mom on the planet. I would like to spend a little time on the beach with this hottie mothering me, rubbing suntan lotion on me and carrying me around all day… I’ll even wear a diaper if she wants me to.

Lucy Pinder’s New Sexy NUTS Video

I think this picture pretty much speaks for itself…. Lucy Pinder’s breasts are phenomenal. It’s that simple. I want to touch them with my face for like an hour. I know that will never happen, at least not until I get a substantially larger bank account, but a Tuna can dream can’t he? Anyhow, If you want to see these big beauties in action, don’t forget to watch the video. #bonerrific

Rita Rusic Lives On A Beach

I don’t remember what it is that this Rita Rusic cougar does for a living, I think she’s a rich old bird, but she seems to spend most of her days lounging on the beach trying to keep her giant breasts from falling out of her bikini. Tough life. All she’s missing is a frail wristed blogger by her side rubbing suntan lotion all over that leathery skin of hers. Skin cancer is a silent killer so I’ll make sure to really work the chest area.

Rita Rusic Lives On A Beach

I don’t remember what it is that this Rita Rusic cougar does for a living, I think she’s a rich old bird, but she seems to spend most of her days lounging on the beach trying to keep her giant breasts from falling out of her bikini. Tough life. All she’s missing is a frail wristed blogger by her side rubbing suntan lotion all over that leathery skin of hers. Skin cancer is a silent killer so I’ll make sure to really work the chest area.

WTF Happened To Rachael Leigh Cook?

What the f@#kles has happened to Rachel Leigh Cook ? She used to be so cute , cute enough to take home to meet mom. Now she’s just cute enough to take home after about a dozen mojitos.

Here is the original post:
WTF Happened To Rachael Leigh Cook?

Ashley Tisdale Needs A Hand

Here’s one of my favorite nobodies Ashley Tisdale having a hard time picking up some change off the floor in her tight acid washed jeans and hooker heels. Who would have thought picking up a few cents could be so difficult? I guess that’s the price of looking good, about thirty five cents.

Continue reading here:
Ashley Tisdale Needs A Hand