Tag Archives: self-absorbed

Kendall Jenner in her Underwear of the Day

I wonder if Kendall Jenner will every discover that she’s just average looking and boring, talentless and half retarded thanks to growing up lazy with everything handed to her, making her unable to do or connect with the most basic of things in life… Or if she’ll just continue to be sucked up to by brands, designers, agency people, agents, managers, other models and celebrities, who all want her to tag them on instagram to grow their own reach… Will reality ever set in for her, or will she just remain as delusional as the rest of the family, whoring herself for a better tomorrow…for her cunt, self absorbed self, she can’t let this ever end… The post Kendall Jenner in her Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner in her Underwear of the Day

Izabel Goulart’s Naked in Bed of the Day

Izabel Goulart posted this laying in a bed…under a sheet..professional photograph to her instagram because instagram is not about selfies, or about taking a picture of things you’ve seen or are seeing, but rather about showing a portfolio of you in pictures you self absorbed, self loving, and not in the right way, you know masturbating when you cry, kind of way… But I’ll still look…she’s a tall, lean, brazilian and amazing model…why the fuck wouldn’t I look… The post Izabel Goulart’s Naked in Bed of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Izabel Goulart’s Naked in Bed of the Day

Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day

I find it very difficult in my core to celebrate anything a Kardashian or Jenner does. Whether it inspires TRANS people everywhere or not, the truth is these are self involved, media absorbed, opportunists and nothing they do is honest, pure or organic. It is all fucking calculated. Sure, getting tits and telling the world you’re a woman is a very twisted and weird thing to do for fame, or the family brand…and I am sure they are independent of one another, but I just feel like it is manipulation based on everything they’ve done to make their 100 million dollars a year… Just a bunch of egotistical, self absorbed, horribly people, whatever gender they are…. Here’s the young one in a tight dress, self promoting as these people do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner in a Tight Dress of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s Panty Flash of the Day

I haven’t seen one of these in a long time, not a vagina in panties, but Lindsay Lohan’s vagina in panties, mainly becasue no one gives a fuck about Lindsay Lohan, even though she wants us to, otherwise she would have left LA and taken her millions of dollars to live a quiet life in an amazing place at 25, but I guess that wouldn’t have been good enough for this spoiled brat, instead, she decided to stick around, burn through her money, take shitty roles in movies, hang with shitty people, make shitty underwear choices, in just one pile of fucking shit she deservers because she’s an evil, horrible, self absorbed cunt I’d like to get pregnant, or at least try to get herpes from, cuz she’s still Lindsay Lohan and that alone makes her lovely. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan’s Panty Flash of the Day

January Jones Single Mom Pregnancy Continues of the Day

Every once in a while, it’s nice to look at a single mother, or a single mother to be, who you know is bringing a child into the world without a dad, only to make him feel like he’s inadequate and fatherless, even if he has a solid manly lesbian second mom to take on that role, cuz kids are evil and laugh at each other for being bastards that aren’t recognized by the church….and offer her your services as a stand in dad….you know to help take out the trash, take it out on her whore slut ass, live off her one acting job money, all in efforts to make her feel normal and secure with her decision to carry the kid into the world, instead of getting an abortion like a normal slut…I guess she’s one of those maternal clock tickin’, doing what she wants for her self absorbed self bitches…and at least she has fat milk filled tits..

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January Jones Single Mom Pregnancy Continues of the Day

Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

I hate Sasha Grey…. She is the most overrated bullshit pornstar around. I know everyone likes her cuz she has a solid Publicist and some industry contacts that have allowed her to cross over to the mainstream….because people in the mainstream watch porn and felt that her being a gutter pornstar piece of shit who choked on dick in some of the most hardcore sex scenes in porn for a few years…that she spun as being an intellectual, or visionary or performing artist supported by a bush, no implants and goth looks….cuz she took some daddy issues, maybe some repressed child abused memories, maybe she was cheated on and decided to spite her first love by becoming a whore everyone wanted to fuck…all with average at best looks, that became hot within the porn world, cuz actual hot girls don’t usually end up in porn…..and comparatively she was hot…and the whole thing was too dark, obvious, boring even cliche for me…but obviously the world eats her up like she eats cum up….they’ve embraced her and given her a bigger ego than any gutter whore should ever have…I mean shit…the paparazzi is snapping of pics of her, she’s dated musicians who wanted to experience what they saw in video in person and she starred in the single worst season of Entourage….all far too much hype for a useless twat…that is actually a useful twat…it got her all she ever dreamed of….and more….but I still hate her.

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Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

Emma Stone’s Street Walkin’ in a Shitty See Through of the Day

Emma Stone is getting a lot of hype these days… I don’t really know why, maybe it is cuz hollywood needs a cute hot young redhead to star in shitty movies….and Lohan is predisposed….only instead of being a heroin snorting, self absorbed, little cunt of a person that was totally unappreciative of everything she was handed in her spoiled little life…but instead became a tormented soul…she seems almost decent….maybe too decent for my liking, almost wholesome…cuz she hasn’t had any slutty scenes, any nude pics, any drunken disasters, and pussy flashes or nipple slips…..but I doubt anyone in Hollywood is any of those things…cuz you have to have no soul, decency, self-respect to make it in Hollywood….so this is just an image they are trying to portray….and by they I mean her team of people who don’t want us knowing she’s been pregnant a dozen time and has 15 houseboys who fuck her up the ass at the same time in her basement….but that’s all speculation.

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Emma Stone’s Street Walkin’ in a Shitty See Through of the Day

Jayde Nicole Craving Attention of the Day

I don’t keep track of Jayde Nicole, but last I heard she was dumped by her meal ticket and access to “The Hills”, so I can only assume she’ gone back to her roots, and to what actually got her in Hollywood, and that’s Playboy. So you can be expecting more boring staged naked pics of this cunt, because it is all she knows, and when she’s not riding one of her boyfriend’s for a free ride, she’s showing the world her vagina, hoping to land another rich guy to sweep her off her feet. It’s like going to a cattle auction, just the young, used up, money grubbing, self absorbed pussy version. Here she is craving attention… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jayde Nicole Craving Attention of the Day