Tag Archives: gutter-pornstar

Ireland Baldwin in her Pajamas of the Day

Hey Perverts. Alec Baldwin’s teen daughter, who is 6 months away from being legal, which means she probably doesn’t drink, get high or fuck. You know all wholesome and that’s why she’s just playing on the trampoline in her pajamas like a 7 year old, because that’s where her maturity level is, yet all you people are following her, and noticing her 6 foot 2 frame and its modeling, and celebrating her like she’s the next Miley, Taylor Momsen, Lohan, and all the other jailbait right before it turned 18 and fell off…and I am posting these to show you just how creepy you are for creeping on someone so innocent…right….cuz all rich girls are innocent…they are never more fucked up than pornstars…. Here’s a little doggy style crawl… Here’s a little ass grab…. You all make me sick…with your preversions…

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Ireland Baldwin in her Pajamas of the Day

Ashley Benson for Nylon Magazine of the DAy

Ashley Benson was one of the chubby girls from Spring Breakers, who probably had no real business being in a bikini, other than that she was filling up their marketing requirements of being some Disney/child star willing to have a threesome with Vanessa Hudgens and James Franco, without actually showing her pussy….making her my favorite of the bunch, in what is probably the worst Threesome ever to be in a Movie, but then again I come from a hardcore porn background and expect more out of sex scenes….. Well now she’s in Nylon, a magazine that was once a little more edgy and interesting, but that has turned into the new generations Seventeen, because I guess that’s where the ad dollars are, and if I cared, I’d be offended that people don’t stick true to their editorial voice all for a couple of bucks. Cuz this shoot, would be better with a little more fashion porn in it. I mean bitch is a hipster, take advantage, show her bush. What the fuck Nylon!?

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Ashley Benson for Nylon Magazine of the DAy

Sophie Turner Cares About Boston of the Day

Sophie Turner has taken an interesting and trashy approach to show her support for Boston, support she is only showing because it’s an opportunity to get people talking about her, you know because we all know girls who look like this are so fucked up, that they only care about themselves and the fact that they’ve failed at the whole getting famous shit and every day that goes by, makes the chances of that success few and far between. There’s not enough botox in the world to make her 30 year old face look like it was 20 again, if anything, it just makes her look like some coked out gutter pornstar trash who has taken too many loads to her face in hopes that this blowjob will lead to actual mainstream work. I am almost offended that she’s jumping on any opportunity, but even more offended that she’s a fucking lawyer and that this is how she spends her downtime, producing low level, fully clothed porn, when clearly she should be taking double anal. What a waste of an attention whore, but she does have a great ass. Keep up the philanthropic, show us you care, work, you amazing desperate girl.

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Sophie Turner Cares About Boston of the Day

Put an End to Kim Kardashian and That is Amazing of the Day

I got this email…that I loved….because I’ve always argued that as a people, we can put an end to any celebrity, we just have to collectively turn our back to them, like Lady Gaga, or Katy Perry or the other trash I hate, we just just to stop paying attention…it is easy…and the worst fucking human of them all is Kim Kardashian, a gutter pornstar who pretended she wasn’t a pornstar, but was given a TV show, started out rich, became far richer, all for nothing….. So this is some exciting stuff….Read this email… Dear Sir, In a grass roots effort, we have collected over 3600 signatures for a petition asking E! Entertainment to remove the Kardashian suite of shows from their programming. We feel that these shows are mostly staged and place an emphasis on vanity, greed, promiscuity, vulgarity and over-the-top conspicuous consumption. While some may have begun watching the spectacle as mindless entertainment or as a sort of “reality satire,” it is a sad truth that many young people are looking up to this family and are modeling their appearance and behavior after them. (I’ll remind you here that the Kardashian family fame largely started with a “leaked” sex tape.) There is no particular religious or political platform behind our disgust; we are just finally fed up. The petition can be found HERE So Sign It Amazing…let’s get 100,000 votes on this shit….Put an end to this fucking garbage piece of shit media whore….cunt….I think I’m gonna start making petitions for everything….

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Put an End to Kim Kardashian and That is Amazing of the Day

Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

I hate Sasha Grey…. She is the most overrated bullshit pornstar around. I know everyone likes her cuz she has a solid Publicist and some industry contacts that have allowed her to cross over to the mainstream….because people in the mainstream watch porn and felt that her being a gutter pornstar piece of shit who choked on dick in some of the most hardcore sex scenes in porn for a few years…that she spun as being an intellectual, or visionary or performing artist supported by a bush, no implants and goth looks….cuz she took some daddy issues, maybe some repressed child abused memories, maybe she was cheated on and decided to spite her first love by becoming a whore everyone wanted to fuck…all with average at best looks, that became hot within the porn world, cuz actual hot girls don’t usually end up in porn…..and comparatively she was hot…and the whole thing was too dark, obvious, boring even cliche for me…but obviously the world eats her up like she eats cum up….they’ve embraced her and given her a bigger ego than any gutter whore should ever have…I mean shit…the paparazzi is snapping of pics of her, she’s dated musicians who wanted to experience what they saw in video in person and she starred in the single worst season of Entourage….all far too much hype for a useless twat…that is actually a useful twat…it got her all she ever dreamed of….and more….but I still hate her.

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Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

I hate Sasha Grey…. She is the most overrated bullshit pornstar around. I know everyone likes her cuz she has a solid Publicist and some industry contacts that have allowed her to cross over to the mainstream….because people in the mainstream watch porn and felt that her being a gutter pornstar piece of shit who choked on dick in some of the most hardcore sex scenes in porn for a few years…that she spun as being an intellectual, or visionary or performing artist supported by a bush, no implants and goth looks….cuz she took some daddy issues, maybe some repressed child abused memories, maybe she was cheated on and decided to spite her first love by becoming a whore everyone wanted to fuck…all with average at best looks, that became hot within the porn world, cuz actual hot girls don’t usually end up in porn…..and comparatively she was hot…and the whole thing was too dark, obvious, boring even cliche for me…but obviously the world eats her up like she eats cum up….they’ve embraced her and given her a bigger ego than any gutter whore should ever have…I mean shit…the paparazzi is snapping of pics of her, she’s dated musicians who wanted to experience what they saw in video in person and she starred in the single worst season of Entourage….all far too much hype for a useless twat…that is actually a useful twat…it got her all she ever dreamed of….and more….but I still hate her.

Originally posted here:
Sasha Grey is the Pornstar I Hate the Most of the Day

Kim Kadashian’s Thick Hips, Skinny Ankles of the DAy

Kim Kardashian is clearly showing off the only skinny part of her body…her ankles…as long as they are in ridiculous high heels…otherwise they cankle… I prefer when she Shows Off The Rest of Her Whore Body Sucking Back Dick and Sticking it in her Unprotected like a gutter pornstar and human toilet that she was to launch her career like she was Paris Hilton ….but that’s just cuz I like watching bitches of all shapes, sizes, cree and religion, race and color fucking in any or all circumstances…cuz I’m a fucking pervert….and I watch this on repeat…. But not quite perverted enough to forget that Kim Kardashian is a lazy, doughy, pig of a person who represents all that is wrong with capitalism and democracy… Seriously, if this was communist Russia or a Muslim dictatorship, she’d be nothing but trash trying to turn tricks for some bread, up on som Aladin shit…but instead she makes over 100,000,000 dollars a year…. Disgusting….undeserving…brown and round….hiding her muff gut as hard as she can…..

Excerpt from:
Kim Kadashian’s Thick Hips, Skinny Ankles of the DAy