Tag Archives: love-it-because

Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day

Merry Christmas to all and to all a bunch of pics of Farrah Abraham in lingerie because christmas is about giving and receiving the shittiest gifts and either throwing a tantrum or pretending you love it because like Lady Gaga. You can act too….we all can…it’s called lying and what better way to do it than on the day we celebrate Jesus and his birth even if it is not his birthday at all but the corporations need the strong end of year…. Here she is in her slutty santa bikini TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons in Lingerie of the Day

Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day

I used to have this racist joke where I would tell everyone that every black actor was Denzel Washington, so whenever I would reference a black actor I would say “It’s like when Denzel Washington played Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show”…or “Did you see Denzel playing Chris Rock, what a joker”…and it would offend every white person I would say it to.. It wasn’t an all black people look the same, even though someone told me that all races think everyone of the other race look the same, it’s just the white people who get the hate for it… It was more a commentary that Hollywood chooses one black person to play the token black character so that the can’t be called racist…I’ve heard on set they call them “the black panther”…or something equally racist… But obviously, I’m always the bad guy…even though Don Cheadle is the one banging the fuck out of this white girl on House of Lies…winning the award for inter racial sex of the day.. Nicky Whelan is an Australian who I think did her best work for this PRE FAMOUS MICRO BIKINI SHOOT …but in the early 2000s, I used to jerk off to micro bikini shoots so it speaks to my soul…black on blonde fetishes hasn’t really happened yet, seeing as I don’t have a blonde wife I want to see destroyed by huge cock…but every blonde girl I know…LOVES this man dingo fetish shit…take it in. The post Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day

Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day

I used to have this racist joke where I would tell everyone that every black actor was Denzel Washington, so whenever I would reference a black actor I would say “It’s like when Denzel Washington played Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show”…or “Did you see Denzel playing Chris Rock, what a joker”…and it would offend every white person I would say it to.. It wasn’t an all black people look the same, even though someone told me that all races think everyone of the other race look the same, it’s just the white people who get the hate for it… It was more a commentary that Hollywood chooses one black person to play the token black character so that the can’t be called racist…I’ve heard on set they call them “the black panther”…or something equally racist… But obviously, I’m always the bad guy…even though Don Cheadle is the one banging the fuck out of this white girl on House of Lies…winning the award for inter racial sex of the day.. Nicky Whelan is an Australian who I think did her best work for this PRE FAMOUS MICRO BIKINI SHOOT …but in the early 2000s, I used to jerk off to micro bikini shoots so it speaks to my soul…black on blonde fetishes hasn’t really happened yet, seeing as I don’t have a blonde wife I want to see destroyed by huge cock…but every blonde girl I know…LOVES this man dingo fetish shit…take it in. The post Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day

Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Nina Agdal is a bikini model, who has done very little beyond being in Sports Illustrated, except maybe a lot of dudes with a lot of money for either a by the hour or per orgasm rate, but then again, she’s a “published model”, they usually like their hooking to feel more like “casual dating” and their rent being paid is just gifts from the billionaires they let cum on their faces… I am not a fan of Nina Agdal for a few reasons, the main one being she’s got this retard head or forehead that looks like it should be in a bike helmet at all times so that she doesn’t damage the little part of her brain that still works…you know like she’s got special needs and is doing this model thing due to a special work program or some affirmative action program where the media need to hire at least 1 retard per bikini magazine issue, 1/2 a black person, 3 fat chicks and a tranny to keep everyone happy… We live in a world that panders to the offended person, instead of telling the offended person to fuck off and to stop being such a pussy bitch, people control and craft content around the offended person so not to offend, even if they are being totally irrational in being offended – so we need representation of all people to avoid controversy…bullshit.. We also live in a world where being in a magazine, celebrated by a magazine, that doesn’t even pay you, can boost your ego into some terrible unappreciative, brat from Denmark where she should be sent back because she’s done here… But she’s got a nice tight body, not necessarily tight to penetrate, but tight due to fitness, since being fit is her one task she needs to maintain… I guess this is her bullshit fitness routine…for her social media that she can sell to advertisers because a bikini model doesn’t have much more to share of any substance beyond monetizing and objectifying their bodies / ass / tits / vagina via boyfriends… This is so basic and desperate…and you love it because I said you do. The post Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Nina Agdal is a bikini model, who has done very little beyond being in Sports Illustrated, except maybe a lot of dudes with a lot of money for either a by the hour or per orgasm rate, but then again, she’s a “published model”, they usually like their hooking to feel more like “casual dating” and their rent being paid is just gifts from the billionaires they let cum on their faces… I am not a fan of Nina Agdal for a few reasons, the main one being she’s got this retard head or forehead that looks like it should be in a bike helmet at all times so that she doesn’t damage the little part of her brain that still works…you know like she’s got special needs and is doing this model thing due to a special work program or some affirmative action program where the media need to hire at least 1 retard per bikini magazine issue, 1/2 a black person, 3 fat chicks and a tranny to keep everyone happy… We live in a world that panders to the offended person, instead of telling the offended person to fuck off and to stop being such a pussy bitch, people control and craft content around the offended person so not to offend, even if they are being totally irrational in being offended – so we need representation of all people to avoid controversy…bullshit.. We also live in a world where being in a magazine, celebrated by a magazine, that doesn’t even pay you, can boost your ego into some terrible unappreciative, brat from Denmark where she should be sent back because she’s done here… But she’s got a nice tight body, not necessarily tight to penetrate, but tight due to fitness, since being fit is her one task she needs to maintain… I guess this is her bullshit fitness routine…for her social media that she can sell to advertisers because a bikini model doesn’t have much more to share of any substance beyond monetizing and objectifying their bodies / ass / tits / vagina via boyfriends… This is so basic and desperate…and you love it because I said you do. The post Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Fat Mila Kunis Gets Heckled of the Day

Unfortunately…I saw the first 5 minutes of the MTV Movie Awards…that were as interesting as an hour long commercial for every movie made last year targeted at 16 year olds could be. Russell Brand wasn’t funny….if anything he was annoying and people in the audience…even the people paid to be in the audience didn’t even laugh as his miserable jokes… The highlight of the first 5 minutes of the MTV Movie awards….were when Mila Kunis walked out, someone yelled at her, probably that she looks fucking fat as shit, all bloated as fuck….only to have Marky Mark and the funky bunch, who thinks he is a tough guy cuz he trains for shitty movies where he plays a boxer….to step up and threaten him….in what was not even dramatic enough to be interesting, unless you are like me, and wish you had he opportunity to heckle Mila Kunis…ideally with my genitals and her mouth…cuz fat or not…I’d still celebrate National Donut Day, 3 days late, only clit.

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Fat Mila Kunis Gets Heckled of the Day

Kim Kardashian and Family Slaugher a Notorious B.I.G. Song in Bikinis of the Day

Have you ever gone to a wedding for the open bar…or really any event for that matter for the open bar…and the motherfuckers think it is a good idea to play some shit quality self produced video they find so funny because they made it…and thus assume everyone will love it because they love it….even though it just pisses everyone off cuz all we really care about is the open bar…the reason we agreed to go to the shit event in the first place… Well the self involved Kardashian family have decided to do a fun little bikini clad video in the Domincan Republic for all their fans….a video that is offensive to anyone who likes Biggy…and annoying to anyone who likes watching quality original videos and not shitty viral video template options…. Sure Kim Kardashian pops her booty in this shit….but Kim Kardashian is 30 …sloppy….and fucks black dudes…..which to me means she doesn’t fucking exist… This is the worst…we should murder them in a modern day snuff film like we were that pussy Luka Magnotta, for putting this smut out there….except the young teen sisters…their bodies are good no matter how evil their parents and family are…we need to keep them around…if anything we need to save them from these monsters.

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Kim Kardashian and Family Slaugher a Notorious B.I.G. Song in Bikinis of the Day

Britney Spears’ ‘3’ Video To Premiere Friday

Pop star promises to reveal sneak peeks of the clip over the next three days. By MTV News staff Britney Spears hit her Web site Wednesday (October 28) to announce that the video for her provocative single “3” would debut in “1…2…3” days. She also promised fans some revealing sneak peeks before the clip’s Friday premiere.

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Britney Spears’ ‘3’ Video To Premiere Friday

Britney Spears Gives Fans ‘3’ Video Sneak Peek

Photos on Spears’ Twitter and site show her surrounded by six male dancers. By Jocelyn Vena Britney Spears on the set of her “3” music video Photo: GSI Media While Britney Spears fans rejoice that her new single, “3,” debuted at the top of the charts this week, the pop star made their celebration even sweeter by releasing images from her video shoot for the song, which was shot last week. In a black-and-white photo on her Twitter page , Britney is dressed in a sheer, black, belly-baring top and straight pants and surrounded by six male dancers

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Britney Spears Gives Fans ‘3’ Video Sneak Peek

N.E.R.D., Asher Roth Take Over New York’s Governors Island

Pharrell and co. blitz through ‘Kill Joy,’ ‘Backseat Love,’ other fan favorites. By Steven Roberts Asher Roth performs on Governor’s Island Photo: Johnny Nunez/ WireImage NEW YORK Governors Island was crawling with people Wednesday evening, as Asher Roth and N.E.R.D

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N.E.R.D., Asher Roth Take Over New York’s Governors Island