Tag Archives: little-camel

Kim Kardashian and Family Slaugher a Notorious B.I.G. Song in Bikinis of the Day

Have you ever gone to a wedding for the open bar…or really any event for that matter for the open bar…and the motherfuckers think it is a good idea to play some shit quality self produced video they find so funny because they made it…and thus assume everyone will love it because they love it….even though it just pisses everyone off cuz all we really care about is the open bar…the reason we agreed to go to the shit event in the first place… Well the self involved Kardashian family have decided to do a fun little bikini clad video in the Domincan Republic for all their fans….a video that is offensive to anyone who likes Biggy…and annoying to anyone who likes watching quality original videos and not shitty viral video template options…. Sure Kim Kardashian pops her booty in this shit….but Kim Kardashian is 30 …sloppy….and fucks black dudes…..which to me means she doesn’t fucking exist… This is the worst…we should murder them in a modern day snuff film like we were that pussy Luka Magnotta, for putting this smut out there….except the young teen sisters…their bodies are good no matter how evil their parents and family are…we need to keep them around…if anything we need to save them from these monsters.

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Kim Kardashian and Family Slaugher a Notorious B.I.G. Song in Bikinis of the Day

Miley Cyrus Assin Your Face of the Day

If you look close enough, you can see her maxi pad. Not that any girls weear Maxi Pads…they are either into tampons or menstrual cups…all hippie and disgusting…using their periods to fertilize their organic gardens…in some hairy pussy and not in a good way….kind of way…. But I am old, and memories of seeing girls in tight pants wearing maxi pads….are almost erotic to me…not cuz I like periods for sex even if it is constant lubrication…and really only like periods for the “We’re not pregnant”….but because girls were less slutty and I was leess desesnsitized….capabale of getting off to hard nipples and a little camel toe…but now I can’t get off to anything. The internet has ruined the simple pleasures… Simple pleasures Miley Cyrus is bringing back…young tight body…in little tight shorts….can save me….I believe. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Assin Your Face of the Day