“Every year, National Donut Day is celebrated on the first Friday in June,” observes Perfect Imprints.com. “It is a day to celebrate the deliciousness that is the donut.” … read more
“Every year, National Donut Day is celebrated on the first Friday in June,” observes Perfect Imprints.com. “It is a day to celebrate the deliciousness that is the donut.” … read more
It may not sell junk food , but McDonald’s will soon be offering customers a special late-night menu. Beginning this month at most 24-hour locations, the chain will roll out a special “After Midnight” menu that includes Egg McMuffins, Big Mac and Chicken McNuggets. Patrols will also be able to create “Midnight Value Meals,” choosing either fries or hash browns as their side items, according to a company press release. McDonald’s adds that franchisees may adapt their offerings based on local preferences, with the “After Midnight” menu already available in northern Delaware and College Station, Texas. Other recent fast food chain news includes a hands-free Whopper tool at Burger King and this dude licking taco shells at Taco Bell.
Note to bosses across America: workers may be a tad late this morning. But it’s not their fault. Lines at Dunkin’ Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Tim Hortons and LaMar’s are around the corner in celebration of National Donut Day! Yes, it’s time to chow down on a free sample of this timeless breakfast treat, as Dunkin’ Donuts will celebrate the occasion by debuting a new sandwich: Bacon and eggs, stuffed between a split glazed doughnut. Indeed, just for today, there’s no need to make your own homemade original Krispy Kreme donuts . The chain has got you covered. What is your favorite type of donut? Glazed Powder Boston Kreme Jelly Cider Chocolate Other [Cite in Comments] View Poll »
Unfortunately…I saw the first 5 minutes of the MTV Movie Awards…that were as interesting as an hour long commercial for every movie made last year targeted at 16 year olds could be. Russell Brand wasn’t funny….if anything he was annoying and people in the audience…even the people paid to be in the audience didn’t even laugh as his miserable jokes… The highlight of the first 5 minutes of the MTV Movie awards….were when Mila Kunis walked out, someone yelled at her, probably that she looks fucking fat as shit, all bloated as fuck….only to have Marky Mark and the funky bunch, who thinks he is a tough guy cuz he trains for shitty movies where he plays a boxer….to step up and threaten him….in what was not even dramatic enough to be interesting, unless you are like me, and wish you had he opportunity to heckle Mila Kunis…ideally with my genitals and her mouth…cuz fat or not…I’d still celebrate National Donut Day, 3 days late, only clit.
Kate Moss has been getting naked for fashion….and even for fun….when on vacation on yachts…or when having unprotected sex with needle sharing rockstars…for a long fucking time…and I’ve been admiring from cuz I am a creep and because I find her hot…. I like her so much that I even did a 38th Birthday Nipple Retrospective ….. Making this Terry Richardson topless outtake barely interesting considering what she’s done in the past…but still topless enough for me to stare at for a couple hours when I have nothing else going on….
It is National DOnut Day….. The last thing you fat american trash neeed is a National Donut Day….you need a “National Jog 5 Miles 3 times a week and eat vegetables and fruit instead of fast food 6-12 months”…until your fat, disgusting, fast food eating, trans fat sucking, high fructose corn syrup, sodium addicted, cellulite ridden size XXL ass turns into a fucking athlete. It is a marketing hook for the billion dollar corporations killing you and your kids….and you all get sucked in like crack addicts… You’re better off smoking bath salts and eating each other… Either way, Miss Connecticut USA, Miss Iowa USA, Miss New York USA and Miss Washington USA demonstrate their favorite ab workouts to show how they get in shape for the Swimsuit Competition. Now here is Preliminary Swimsuit Competition….representing your nation….one state at a time….not obese like the rest of you…and in bikinis….. Alabama – Maine Maryland – New Hampshire New Jersey – Rhode Island South Carolina – Wyoming
Hacking. It’s not just for Blake Lively nude photos anymore! British intelligence agency MI6 recently hacked an Al-Qaeda online magazine, replacing bomb-making instructions with a recipe for cupcakes. Seriously, this happened . The joint venture by MI6 and the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters had agents insert into the magazine an encrypted version of “The Best Cupcakes in America,” published by the Ellen DeGeneres Show . Originally, the magazine had instructions on how to make pipe bombs, as well as articles by Osama bin Laden and deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri. According to reports, America was onto this too, but a similar Pentagon operation was blocked by the CIA, who believed that the magazine was more valuable in its previous state as a source of intelligence. Thus, the attack was launched from Britain instead. Delish! In related news, it’s National Donut Day !!!!!