It is National DOnut Day….. The last thing you fat american trash neeed is a National Donut Day….you need a “National Jog 5 Miles 3 times a week and eat vegetables and fruit instead of fast food 6-12 months”…until your fat, disgusting, fast food eating, trans fat sucking, high fructose corn syrup, sodium addicted, cellulite ridden size XXL ass turns into a fucking athlete. It is a marketing hook for the billion dollar corporations killing you and your kids….and you all get sucked in like crack addicts… You’re better off smoking bath salts and eating each other… Either way, Miss Connecticut USA, Miss Iowa USA, Miss New York USA and Miss Washington USA demonstrate their favorite ab workouts to show how they get in shape for the Swimsuit Competition. Now here is Preliminary Swimsuit Competition….representing your nation….one state at a time….not obese like the rest of you…and in bikinis….. Alabama – Maine Maryland – New Hampshire New Jersey – Rhode Island South Carolina – Wyoming
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Miss USA 2012 Swimsuit Ready Abs for National Donut DAy of the Day