Tag Archives: always-the-bad

Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day

I used to have this racist joke where I would tell everyone that every black actor was Denzel Washington, so whenever I would reference a black actor I would say “It’s like when Denzel Washington played Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show”…or “Did you see Denzel playing Chris Rock, what a joker”…and it would offend every white person I would say it to.. It wasn’t an all black people look the same, even though someone told me that all races think everyone of the other race look the same, it’s just the white people who get the hate for it… It was more a commentary that Hollywood chooses one black person to play the token black character so that the can’t be called racist…I’ve heard on set they call them “the black panther”…or something equally racist… But obviously, I’m always the bad guy…even though Don Cheadle is the one banging the fuck out of this white girl on House of Lies…winning the award for inter racial sex of the day.. Nicky Whelan is an Australian who I think did her best work for this PRE FAMOUS MICRO BIKINI SHOOT …but in the early 2000s, I used to jerk off to micro bikini shoots so it speaks to my soul…black on blonde fetishes hasn’t really happened yet, seeing as I don’t have a blonde wife I want to see destroyed by huge cock…but every blonde girl I know…LOVES this man dingo fetish shit…take it in. The post Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicky Whelan Fucked by Denzel Washington in House of Lies of the Day