Tag Archives: masturbating

Pervert Grandpa and Other Videos of the Day

Pervert Caught Upskirting Ass Scratcher of the DAy Senior on a Scooter on the Highway Truck Full of Bottles Hits SUV I love the Zombie Trucker and his Big Tits.. Sexual Assault Suspect – Masturbating in Super Market The post Pervert Grandpa and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Pervert Grandpa and Other Videos of the Day

Youtube Porn of the Day

This is a video of a girl in bondage gear, with her tits out, pouring wax on her tits….before licking the candle and jerking it off like a cock….in what I guess people could pretend is “art” but that is shameless nudity… I like to document nudity on Youtube that I come across, this one has been up since Oct 9, 2017…. So in 1 full year, Youtube was unable to find it, but they were able to run ads on it….. This is just one video I happened to come across, there are obviously millions like this… You may wonder why I care…it’s pretty simple, Youtube and Google are publicly traded, they rejected this site as a publisher for their ad unit back in 2004 or 2005 when they were paying people with less traffic than me 100k a month. WHICH MEANS…I could have made 1,000,000 dollars a year for a solid 5-6 years….and been retired back in 2010….with more money than I need…so that I can focus on what I like doing…staring at the wall… But they felt I was porn, because I don’t censor fucking nipples….and never did because I felt it would be hypocritical. Well…in hindsight, I should have censored the damn nipples and taken the money, since there’s no money in blogging….and the last 8 year have been a daily grind of nonsense.. So yes..YOUTUBE nudity makes me fucking mad….fuck you Google…”The Man” who runs the internet who fucks all us independent perverts over. That’s all I have to say about that. The post Youtube Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Youtube Porn of the Day

Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day

Chinese Designer Lights Up her Fake Tits Girl Spitting on People at McDonalds Man Masturbating To Women’s Shoes… Cow on the Roof in Germany Woman Dude Met to Fuck – Steals His Car as He Checks into a Motel – he Shoots her 4 times – she lives – they live happily ever after – guns rule. Lip Surgery Fail Just a girl and her Dick Cake Man with Knife VS Tow Truck Guy The post Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Naked Lady and her big Butt and Other Videos of the Day

Naked Hairstyle Of the Day and Other Videos of the Day

Girl Blowing Dude at the Afterparty… Woman Caught Peeing in Elevator Fat Dancer Senior Jumps Out of Bus Window 15 Year Old Tried to Rob a Military Police Officer Man Shits Upstream…. Drifter of the DAy Grandpa Jerking Off Highlight of the week – the Masturbating Beach Girl The post Naked Hairstyle Of the Day and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Naked Hairstyle Of the Day and Other Videos of the Day

Walmart Employee Caught Masturbating and Other Videos of the Day

Girl TASES Vagina The post Walmart Employee Caught Masturbating and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Walmart Employee Caught Masturbating and Other Videos of the Day

This is What I Am Masturbating To Right Now of the Day

I find it interesting, but not really, that people like to tell each other what TV show they are watching, what series they are really into, what book they are reading, what they are doing throughout the day… But rarely do people share what they masturbate to, I mean sometimes a girl you sext will send you a video she came to, and sometimes a friend will tell you he jerked off to some old high school year books he found at a garage sale, but for the most part…I don’t tell you what I am jerking off to ever…until today because today….I am jerking off to this golden whatever it is…Phoebe Price…my queen..I don’t think she could be any more perfect… The post This is What I Am Masturbating To Right Now of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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This is What I Am Masturbating To Right Now of the Day

Selena Gomez Sucking in her Gut and Gagging Some Chick of the Day

Selena Gomez is prepping for her world tour, because Selena Gomez is a money making scam who realizes that her acting wasn’t her money maker and was instead just a way to build her audience…where as a world tour is something you can sell tickets, VIP experiences, even sex if they pay her enough…while creating shitty memories for her idiot fans she doesn’t care about…that they can remember with products she’s selling like the bra and panty set – and even Temporary tattoos that match her tattoos something I hope some of you creepy perverts go to the concert to buy, only to put on your dick, to make Masturbating more of a Selena Gomez experience…… The post Selena Gomez Sucking in her Gut and Gagging Some Chick of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Sucking in her Gut and Gagging Some Chick of the Day

Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Nina Agdal is a bikini model, who has done very little beyond being in Sports Illustrated, except maybe a lot of dudes with a lot of money for either a by the hour or per orgasm rate, but then again, she’s a “published model”, they usually like their hooking to feel more like “casual dating” and their rent being paid is just gifts from the billionaires they let cum on their faces… I am not a fan of Nina Agdal for a few reasons, the main one being she’s got this retard head or forehead that looks like it should be in a bike helmet at all times so that she doesn’t damage the little part of her brain that still works…you know like she’s got special needs and is doing this model thing due to a special work program or some affirmative action program where the media need to hire at least 1 retard per bikini magazine issue, 1/2 a black person, 3 fat chicks and a tranny to keep everyone happy… We live in a world that panders to the offended person, instead of telling the offended person to fuck off and to stop being such a pussy bitch, people control and craft content around the offended person so not to offend, even if they are being totally irrational in being offended – so we need representation of all people to avoid controversy…bullshit.. We also live in a world where being in a magazine, celebrated by a magazine, that doesn’t even pay you, can boost your ego into some terrible unappreciative, brat from Denmark where she should be sent back because she’s done here… But she’s got a nice tight body, not necessarily tight to penetrate, but tight due to fitness, since being fit is her one task she needs to maintain… I guess this is her bullshit fitness routine…for her social media that she can sell to advertisers because a bikini model doesn’t have much more to share of any substance beyond monetizing and objectifying their bodies / ass / tits / vagina via boyfriends… This is so basic and desperate…and you love it because I said you do. The post Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Nina Agdals’ Bikini Fitness of the Day

Courtney Stodden Twerk of the Day

Fame whore and attention seeker who never was, but who did get herself in the tabloids pretty consistently for pretending to be an underage hooker / gold digger…only to turn 18 according to her storyline, at which point she got huge clown tits and became the Courtney Stodden who masturbates in sex videos… Sex videos that have made Courtney Stodden and Me business partners…becuase of the sex tape…which you can purchase BY CLICKING HERE A sex tape that isn’t that great, it’s just her masturbating, with her clown tits, but a sex tape you should BY CLICKING HERE … The reason I want you to CLICK HERE is so that I get paid….. But the truth is that it’s a horrible business, and the real money came from Farrah Abraham…not retirement money…but enough for me to feel part of the process that allows me to never hate them for putting food on my table, by givng me a cut of their whoring…HOWEVER, like all pimps…I don’t mind mocking them, putting them down, and making fun of everything they bring as whores… This is a twerk video of her, with cameltoe…just trying to keep things going…but CLICK HERE The post Courtney Stodden Twerk of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden Twerk of the Day

Creepy Guy Stalks Women in Orlando and Other Videos of the Day

Flying Kick of the Day Thug Attacks Pharmacist Monkey Steals Lunch Gun Pulled on McDonald’s Worker – I Call Fake Chick at the Beach – Masturbating Student Gets Fucked Up Falling Ice of the Day Disturbing Video of Mom Getting Fucked in Front of What Looks Like Her Kids…. The post Creepy Guy Stalks Women in Orlando and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Creepy Guy Stalks Women in Orlando and Other Videos of the Day