I find it interesting, but not really, that people like to tell each other what TV show they are watching, what series they are really into, what book they are reading, what they are doing throughout the day… But rarely do people share what they masturbate to, I mean sometimes a girl you sext will send you a video she came to, and sometimes a friend will tell you he jerked off to some old high school year books he found at a garage sale, but for the most part…I don’t tell you what I am jerking off to ever…until today because today….I am jerking off to this golden whatever it is…Phoebe Price…my queen..I don’t think she could be any more perfect… The post This is What I Am Masturbating To Right Now of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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This is What I Am Masturbating To Right Now of the Day