Tag Archives: lottery-ticket

Daisy Lowe Butt Shot of the Day

Daisy Lowe and her daddy issues wore a see through dress to show off her underwear…to let you know that just because her dad fucks trannies like Gwen Stefani…and an actual official tranny…because rockstars from Australia are weird…they are also deadbeat dads who don’t trust their whore groupies when they claim their kids…like Daisy Lowe are theirs…so they do paternity tests, or what Daisy Lowe calls “Lottery Ticket”…because when there was no proof of paternity it coulda been any dude who mom let inside her… I’m a fan of everything about her. Here’s another butt shot…. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daisy Lowe Butt Shot of the Day

Man Gives Homeless Man Winning Lottery Ticket…See What Happens Next [VIDEO]

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Sometimes pranks can be used for good. A self-proclaimed “magician prankster” named Rahat gave a homeless man that hangs around a shopping center near his home…

Man Gives Homeless Man Winning Lottery Ticket…See What Happens Next [VIDEO]

Victoria Justice’s Shitty Leaked Pic of the Day

Last week, this picture of Victoria Justice was posted to her twitter and this is what she had to say about it…. “My phone was stolen & some1 (someone) leaked this. Wasn’t meant 2 (sic) be ‘sexy’, I took it as a joke cuz (because) I look like an 80s aerobics instructor. Hacking & stealing is not cool. Respect peoples (sic) personal property… I would never post a picture of myself like that. I’m not taking this lightly & I will find out who stole my private property.” So basically, her phone gets stolen, and this is what gets posted to her social media? I am gonna assume that like all girls she has a password on her shit, and like all girls she’s got nudes on her shit, and that this week later statement is just trying to clear up her image because I guess she’s one of those starlets who isn’t allowed to be sexy in her Nickelodeon contract, but the second that shit is over, the flood gates of smut will come through. You know she posted this, is pretending it was a hacker, and the reality is she’s in a fucking one piece, it’s not like she’s spread pussy or asshole. Kids are soft these days. What happened to the days of real leaked pics. The internet and social media ruined them..

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Victoria Justice’s Shitty Leaked Pic of the Day

Rihanna Posted Boston Gore on her Instagram of the Day

I get that people are shocked by the bomb in Boston, it’s a horrible thing, innocent people were killed by some psycho or a group of psychos, and it disgusts me, makes me wonder about humanity, while making me not want to leave my house because the world is filled with crazies… But I think there are ways to acknowledge the insanity, or pay your respects, especially when you are a poptart with a huge following, without posting a picture of a guy on top of what might be a a dead body, surrounded by blood. I mean I don’t know the story behind the pic or the people in it, I just know posting blood and gore, even if it happened and is newsworthy and a tragedy, is pretty distasteful. It’s not like I posted the pics of people with blown of limbs that were sent into me, because there just isn’t a point, we all know what happened. She should stick to posting nudes, and so should I, but as far as I’m concerned, when twats do stupid shit, commenting on it, is what I do… Someone should report her account, not that instagram would shut her down ever, she could post spread vagina pics and they’d be like “Rihanna uses our app OMG” Fuck it. The real terrorists have already won. Those terrorists are Celebrities.

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Rihanna Posted Boston Gore on her Instagram of the Day

Arianny Celeste Strips in an Elevator to Promote Shit of the DAy

Arianny Celeste is some high level stripper who doesn’t need to strip anymore because the UFC was her lottery ticket out of the strip club, but that doesn’t mean that instinctively she isn’t compelled to strip every now and then for old times, or for money like for this website or app company that paid her to be in their viral campaign that is an idiotic concept but that will probably get 1,000,000 views, because the internet is just that easy to win. Despite her bad attitude, ego and silly celebrity based on holding cards up, she’s got a pretty fit as fuck body….and I’ll watch her strip even if it lacks throwing dollar bills at her.

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Arianny Celeste Strips in an Elevator to Promote Shit of the DAy

Teen Mom Farrah Staged Bikini Pics to Promote Her Porn Career of the Day

Speaking of sluts, here’s Teen Mom Farrah posing in some staged bikini pics that were strategic with the paparazzi, thanks to her PR Team’s genius strategy to get people to talk about her, by throwing her in porn. I guess she was already teen mom trash with a taste for fame, she already had a the really shitty implants, she had a hard body that I’d like to see fuck, because pornstars across the board are pretty low level on the hotness scale, so she’d fit right in taking loads on her face, a nice change of pace for her, something that if she knew back then, she’d probably reconsider that fateful night that I guess has also been a lottery ticket, cuz without the baby, she’d be sucking dick in some bar somewhere, while with the kid, she is doing it in LA with pornstars and getting paid….being on TV doesn’t really change people… Either way, tight bodies, especially post pregnancies are a thing I like, so I’ll keep a lookout for her porno career.

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Teen Mom Farrah Staged Bikini Pics to Promote Her Porn Career of the Day

Mandy Moore’s ‘Tangled’ Heroine Not ‘Typical Disney Princess’

‘She’s very independent,’ actress/singer tells MTV News of new Rapunzel. By Kara Warner “Tangled” Photo: Disney While the fall-to-Thanksgiving film season is usually rife with Oscar bait, it’s also prime time for releasing family films. One such movie is the highly anticipated “Tangled,” Disney’s updated and traditionally animated take on Rapunzel, starring the vocal talents of Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi. Kicking off our Fall Movie Preview, we bring you a delightful chat we had with the ever-gracious and lovely Moore, during which she discussed non-typical femmes fatales, singing in front of a 65-piece orchestra and Levi’s powerful pipes. MTV : How is Rapunzel different from the typical femme-fatale characters? Mandy Moore : She’s not the typical femme fatale or the typical Disney princess even, because: A) She doesn’t know she’s a princess. I think she sort of has this inkling that something isn’t quite right in her life, [but] she’s just really sort of motivated to find out what else is out there beyond this crazy tower she’s lived in for 18 years. Having said that, she’s very independent, she can take care of herself, and she’s definitely come up with really entertaining ways to keep herself busy. MTV : Is the Disney take on Rapunzel the same as the original fairy tale? Moore : Pretty much. She has an overprotective mother who tells her she’s not missing out on anything, and it’s a big bad world out there and it’s too scary and dangerous and she’ll be eaten alive, literally, if she decides to venture out into the world. MTV : What was your reaction to Disney changing the film’s original title, in an effort to lure in more young boys? Moore : I think I was initially a bit taken aback, only because people know the story of Rapunzel, so when you say you’re working on “Rapunzel,” it’s sort of a no-brainer, you don’t have to explain it to people. But as the title sort of sunk in, I understood the decision behind changing it. The movie is so great and so cute, and people are going to see the trailer and know what the story is about. I guess you sort of have to leave it up to the brains at the top. They know what they’re doing. MTV : What can you tell us about this particular story? Can you tease any romance? Moore : She sort of comes face to face with this stranger who precariously ends up in her tower, and he’s very handsome [and] he knows it. He’s quite the ladies’ man, if you will. Somehow, they get roped into going on this adventure together and start to see a different side of one another, and potentially a romance ensues. There’s [also] a few musical moments. MTV : What was that experience like, recording with legendary Disney composer Alan Menken? Moore : That was fun. I’m definitely the quintessential girl who grew up watching “The Little Mermaid” and “Beauty and the Beast” and “Aladdin” and the like, so it was probably one of the coolest things I’ve done thus far, being in the studio with Alan Menken and a 65-piece orchestra. It was such a moment in time. I kept telling myself: “Just be in the moment. Remember this. You’re going to want to think about this for years to come.” It was really magical and sort of everything you’d want a Disney animated experience to be. As one of the players involved, I was like, “Oh my God!” … To watch it all come to life, because so much of your job — you’re looking at storyboards, you’re having things explained to you, but there’s nothing tangible to see or get, it has to form in your imagination, which is one of the slightly taxing parts, but also the most fun — to get to be a kid again and go into the depths of your imagination and play around. This, being there with the orchestra and hearing the score sort of come to life and what the feel of the movie was going to be at different parts was like, “Oh, OK, now I really get what we’re doing.” So that was definitely a moment for me. It was the first time I met Zach [Levi]. MTV : Does Zach actually sing in the film? Moore : He does, and he’s amazing! Oh my God, we had one rehearsal before we went into the studio, and I was so interested [in him], because they wanted to cast actors in the roles who could also sing, and I had no idea that he sang, and it turns out he’s like a big musical-theater nut and had that in his background. He has a beautiful voice, but he has the perfect voice for something like this. He’s such a sweet guy, and he’s so funny in the movie, but I think his voice will astonish people, like, “Wow, where did that come from?” From the saucy Jessica Alba in “Little Fockers” to James Franco’s grueling journey in “127 Hours,” the MTV Movies team is delving into the hottest flicks of fall 2010. Check back daily for exclusive clips, photos and interviews with the films’ biggest stars. Check out everything we’ve got on “Tangled.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com .

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Mandy Moore’s ‘Tangled’ Heroine Not ‘Typical Disney Princess’

Bow Wow Wants To Become An ‘Artist’s Artist’ With Greenlight 3

‘I’ve accomplished more than a lot of cats in hip-hop who get that recognition,’ Bow tells Mixtape Daily. By Shaheem Reid, with additional reporting by Rahman Dukes Bow Wow Photo: MTV News Monday’s Main Pick Street Star : Bow Wow Holding It Down For : Cash Money Mixtape : Greenlight 3 Real Spit : Bow Wow’s Greenlight 3 has a yellow light for now. Bow definitely plans to put it out, but he’s delaying it for a couple of weeks. He wanted to let his film “Lottery Ticket” breathe before he dropped his new project. “It’s important for me to do the Greenlight mixtape, because the fans want it. Where I got the title, the whole Greenlight title came from Jermaine [Dupri],” Bow explained. “He was gonna name his album Greenlight. I asked him: ‘What you gonna do with it?’ I took it and ran with it and created a brand. G1 set the tone. G2, I told you, it did a million downloads in a day. I never knew it was gonna be like that. I didn’t know if it’s me signing to Cash Money or because it was free. This is the third one, and it’s the last one. And it’s gonna complete the series. ” Greenlight 3 has 12 original records. It’s gonna sound like a brand-new album,” he added. “It’s easy to take a verse and put it on whatever’s hot. To make songs, that’s what a lot of artists or MCs have a hard time with. Making records. I did it this time for it to be original, because you see what’s going on with Chris [Brown] and the ‘Deuces’ record. That’s off the mixtape, what you think is off an album. I did that intentionally, because I could probably have three singles — which I do. I feel like I got three singles off the G3. G3 is to prepare people of what’s to come from the album.” Joints to Check For

Ice Cube’s Five Favorite Films

Lottery Ticket star Ice Cube is a rapper, an actor, and a director — his top five films might surprise you.

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Ice Cube’s Five Favorite Films

Lil Wayne Lectures Drake, Bow Wow To Avoid Prison

‘This ain’t built for cats like us … You and Drizzy stay clean,’ Bow says Weezy advised during a visit to Rikers. By Mawuse Ziegbe Bow Wow and Lil Wayne (file) Photo: Soren McCarty/ WireImage Lil Wayne’s daily prison routine reportedly consists of mundane activities like watching ESPN and chatting on the phone. Despite his seemingly laid-back schedule, the Young Money/ Cash Money leader has cautioned his prot