Tag Archives: behind-the-pic

Rihanna Posted Boston Gore on her Instagram of the Day

I get that people are shocked by the bomb in Boston, it’s a horrible thing, innocent people were killed by some psycho or a group of psychos, and it disgusts me, makes me wonder about humanity, while making me not want to leave my house because the world is filled with crazies… But I think there are ways to acknowledge the insanity, or pay your respects, especially when you are a poptart with a huge following, without posting a picture of a guy on top of what might be a a dead body, surrounded by blood. I mean I don’t know the story behind the pic or the people in it, I just know posting blood and gore, even if it happened and is newsworthy and a tragedy, is pretty distasteful. It’s not like I posted the pics of people with blown of limbs that were sent into me, because there just isn’t a point, we all know what happened. She should stick to posting nudes, and so should I, but as far as I’m concerned, when twats do stupid shit, commenting on it, is what I do… Someone should report her account, not that instagram would shut her down ever, she could post spread vagina pics and they’d be like “Rihanna uses our app OMG” Fuck it. The real terrorists have already won. Those terrorists are Celebrities.

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Rihanna Posted Boston Gore on her Instagram of the Day