Last week, this picture of Victoria Justice was posted to her twitter and this is what she had to say about it…. “My phone was stolen & some1 (someone) leaked this. Wasn’t meant 2 (sic) be ‘sexy’, I took it as a joke cuz (because) I look like an 80s aerobics instructor. Hacking & stealing is not cool. Respect peoples (sic) personal property… I would never post a picture of myself like that. I’m not taking this lightly & I will find out who stole my private property.” So basically, her phone gets stolen, and this is what gets posted to her social media? I am gonna assume that like all girls she has a password on her shit, and like all girls she’s got nudes on her shit, and that this week later statement is just trying to clear up her image because I guess she’s one of those starlets who isn’t allowed to be sexy in her Nickelodeon contract, but the second that shit is over, the flood gates of smut will come through. You know she posted this, is pretending it was a hacker, and the reality is she’s in a fucking one piece, it’s not like she’s spread pussy or asshole. Kids are soft these days. What happened to the days of real leaked pics. The internet and social media ruined them..
Continued here:
Victoria Justice’s Shitty Leaked Pic of the Day