Tag Archives: actresses-stop

Race Matters: Actor Ed Skrein Bows Out Of ‘Hellboy’ Flick Amid Accusations Of Whitewashing

Image via Frank Trapper/Corbis via Getty Images Ed Skrein Quits “Hellboy” Over Whitewashing Backlash Very often in this country racism is talked about as a Black vs. white issue, but there are obviously many races of people who are marginalized in American culture. The Asian community is frequently bombarded with racist imagery in comedy, television and film. Today, they got a small victory in an otherwise apathetic war. According to NYDailyNews , actor Ed Skrein was set to star in the upcoming superhero flick “Hellboy” as Major Ben Daimio. For those unfamiliar with the comics, Daimio is Asian, Skrein is as white as the driven snow. Just as we do when Black folks are portrayed as white, the community spoke out against this whitewashing of culture, and like a empathetic and decent human, Ed quit his impending job: pic.twitter.com/8WoSsHXDFO — Ed Skrein (@edskrein) August 28, 2017 Way to go, Ed. Hopefully this will lead to other white actors and actresses stop the f**ksh!t and respect the voices of the people who’s culture they are trying to erase.

Race Matters: Actor Ed Skrein Bows Out Of ‘Hellboy’ Flick Amid Accusations Of Whitewashing