Tag Archives: acts-the-way

Katy Perry is a Sloppy Pig of a Woman of the Day

I figured out what I hate about Katy Perry and it is going to sound weird….I hate the way Katy Perry walks.

See the original post here:
Katy Perry is a Sloppy Pig of a Woman of the Day

Clint Eastwood Pics for the Homos of the Day

I guess these pictures kinda speak for themself. You know a classic masculine figure showing off the skills he developed when he was just starting out in entertainment many decades ago to land his first jobs, something he’s mastered over the years cuz once you go homo you stay homo, even if your married and seemingly straight to the public, but in his defense he is an actor and there aint nothing hetero in that, since real men get real jobs like in construction and shit, not reciting lines in front of the mirror wondering if they look good and believable or not and I am posting these for the one faggot who reads the site and for the record, I am proud to say he’s a legit faggot who actually is HIV positive and fucking authentic and not one of those phony faggots who listens to Lady Gaga and acts the way he thinks a faggot is supposed to act cuz shit is trendy now. I guess I am also posting it for you closet cases who are bored of watching porn and want to switch it up and since Clint Eastwood is an icon you will never meet, it doesn’t make you feel as gay as when you pop boners watching your homies eating popsicles on hot summer days…..

Clint Eastwood Pics for the Homos of the Day