Tag Archives: actually-lose

Bill Maher on California Tax Rate: Liberals, You May Actually Lose Me!

Even Bill Maher is feeling the sting of California’s new income tax rates. “Liberals,” he said on a recent broadcast, “you could actually lose me.” He made the comments during a panel discussion of U.S. budget policy that included MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who blasted Rep. Paul Ryan’s proposal. “The Ryan budget is a document that says the big problems in American right now are that rich people do not have enough money,” said Maddow. Maher responded, somewhat uncharacteristically: “You know what? Rich people – I’m sure you’d agree with this – do pay the freight in this country.” Maher cited statistics that California millionaires pay nearly 40 percent income tax to the U.S. government, plus another 13 percent to the state. “I just want to say liberals … you could actually lose me . It’s outrageous what we’re paying, over 50 percent,” the left-leaning personality lamented. “I’m willing to pay my share, but yeah, it’s ridiculous.” Between national, state and local taxes, top California earners lose 55-60 percent of their income off the top. Of course, 60 percent of a million is still a ton. What do you think? Fair or unfair?

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Bill Maher on California Tax Rate: Liberals, You May Actually Lose Me!