Tag Archives: advocacy-group

Guy Gets Back at Package Thieves With Glitter Bomb

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It may be the most wonderful time of the year. But, it’s also the time of year when real-life Grinches steal packages from porches. But one engineer and YouTube star figured out a way to get back at these thieves. Mike Rober spent 6 months rigging a package to explode with glitter and farts, catching these suspected thieves on camera in a video that has gone viral. Oh, were they in for a surprise. Check out the clip below. [ione_media_gallery src=”https://92q.com” id=”4006837″ overlay=”true”]

Guy Gets Back at Package Thieves With Glitter Bomb

Newly Crowned Miss DC USA Cordelia Cranshaw

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And the winner is….Cordelia Cransha. Your reigning Miss DC USA 2019 is Virginia native Cordelia Cranshaw. She joined the Quick Silva Show to talk about her life changing opportunity to be crowned Miss District Of Columbia. As beautiful as Cordelia is her life hasn’t always been picture perfect. Her platform reflected her real life situation, where she was in foster care until the age of 21. Cranshaw’s mother was incarcerated and her father was an alcoholic.  As D.C. resident and the Founder of her non-profit “ARK” Cordelia takes pride in giving back to DMV community.  Ark is an advocacy group and non profit organization that gives back to children in foster care. To hear more about Cordelia and her story listen to the link above.

Newly Crowned Miss DC USA Cordelia Cranshaw

Washington Drug Agents Seize Pot Legalization Petitions

Washington drug agents have illegally seized signed petitions for marijuana legalization, according to organizers of ballot initiative I-1068. Marijuana advocacy group Sensible Washington says it has learned that a dozen signed copies of the marijuana legalization initiative for Washington State of which it is the sponsor, were seized last week by the federally-funded WestNET drug task force. Advocates say that the drug agents who seized the petitions are interfering with a constitutionally-protected legislative procedure. “Our estimate is that 2009 signatures are sitting in WestNET's offices in Port Orchard, apparently seized as 'evidence' during a series of raids against the North End Club 420 in Tacoma,” said Sensible Washington campaign director and initiative co-author Philip Dawdy. We have made repeated calls to WestNET's office, but have yet to receive any assurance that the task force's personnel have secured the signed petitions and that they plan to promptly return them to Sensible Washington,” Dawdy said. “It proves how insane marijuana prohibition has gotten, that law enforcement would seized signed copies of I-1068 as 'evidence' in a drug raid,” Dawdy said. added by: Omnomynous

A Lambeth Pilgrim's Blog: Mainline Protestants and Same-Sex Marriage

Mark Tooley is president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, an advocacy group that supports conservative positions within mainline denominations.

A Lambeth Pilgrim's Blog: Mainline Protestants and Same-Sex Marriage