Tag Archives: affairs-because

Sarah Palin Defends Bristol Reality Show as "Realistic," Slams Teen Mom

With Bristol Palin under fire for the recent word choice of son Tripp on the latest episode of her Lifetime reality show, Fox News contributor Sarah Palin has come to her daughter’s defense. “Haters are going to hate,” Palin told Salon at an NBC cocktail party on Tuesday, adding of Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp : “I think it’s clever, it’s absolutely real and I’m proud of the girls.” Despite the presence of cameras, her increased level of fame and the six-figure salary Bristol is banking from the series, Sarah Palin insists the program does not encourage young women to give birth. “Her show today I think is very positive, it’s very realistic in terms of showing what single motherhood really is,” Palin said. “It’s not like the Teen Mom