Welpy McWelpington … Peter Gunz Responds To Baby Criticism Remember when we told you that Tara Wallace debuted baby Gunner Pankey a.k.a Gunner Gunz in the pages of Life & Style??? Well after fielding criticism for showing off her married baby’s father’s son, Tara’s baby dad Peter Gunz is coming to her defense. Peter Gunz took to IG to share a picture of his baby boy with the caption, “Can’t help but not give a f*** what you think when I look at him…I’m sure his mom feels the same way.” WELP! Tara has since added her own message on her IG about “haters.” Okay girl…. All the while Tara and Peter are responding to criticism, what does P eter’s pregnant wife Amin a think about the baby news??? Hit the flip for a possible response.
See original here:
Hi Haters: Peter Gunz Claps Back At People Criticizing Tara Wallace Over Baby Gunner Gunz…