After Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper controversially published the pictures of Prince Harry naked in Vegas, the publisher urged the public to lay off the royal. “Prince Harry. Give him a break,” he Tweeted. “He may be on the public payroll one way or another, but the public loves him, even to enjoy Las Vegas.” “Only lesson for Prince Harry: avoid playmates with cameras!” Harry was infamously photographed partying in the nude in a Las Vegas hotel room last weekend, and the photos hit the web via TMZ late Tuesday. Murdoch’s The Sun ignored a warning from the palace and a regulatory ruling on Friday morning by printing the naked Harry pics on its front pages. The cover, like Harry himself, was cheeky. So to speak. Part of Murdoch’s justification for running the Prince Harry nude shot – aside from basic freedom of the press – was that it’s already all over the web. How could they demand he not print something everyone had already seen or could with a single Google search? It just didn’t make any sense … to him. If there are more pics to come , which has been rumored, don’t expect he will hold back in that case either, but at least we know how he’d vote in our poll: Prince Harry …
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Rupert Murdoch on Prince Harry: Give Him a Break!