Tag Archives: after-the-five

‘Source Code’ Requires A ‘Leap Of Faith,’ Director Says

Duncan Jones says if moviegoers can suspend disbelief, they’ll ‘go with it and enjoy the ride.’ By Kara Warner Michelle Monaghan and Jake Gyllenhaal in “Source Code” Photo: Summit Entertainment In most cases, when we travel to the theater or sit down to watch movies, we’re looking to be swept up by a great story, transported to other realms and just plain entertained. In doing so, however, there is an element of suspended disbelief that both filmmakers and audiences alike rely on in order to fully immerse themselves in a story. And while the upcoming thriller “Source Code” is based in present-day reality, there are several elements that draw on the sci-fi and fantastical genres and, as such, rely on the audience to suspend disbelief a bit. When MTV News caught up with director Duncan Jones recently, we asked him to explain his strategy for presenting audiences with challenging ideas without making them too convoluted or confusing. “Ben Ripley wrote the script, and I thought it was terrific,” Jones said. “I thought, ‘There are some heady ideas here,’ and I think he’s done a really good job of balancing what the audience needs to know and giving the audience enough rules that if you just invite them to take a leap of faith you’ll go with it and you can enjoy the ride.” Jones went on to say that the one element they added to Ripley’s story of traveling into people’s brains during the last eight minutes of their lives was humor. “I think one of the things we were able to do is lighten the tone, inject some humor into it so the audience is able to make that leap of faith and say, ‘I understand you, I trust these rules you’ve set up, let’s just see how the story goes.’ ” Check out everything we’ve got on “Source Code.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: ‘Source Code’ ‘Source Code’ Exclusive Clips

‘Source Code’ Requires A ‘Leap Of Faith,’ Director Says

Katy Perry Recalls Grueling Makeup Process For ‘E.T.’ Video

Clip premieres on MTV tonight at 7:53 p.m., followed by a live ‘MTV First’ interview with Perry on MTV.com. By Kara Warner, with reporting by Sway Calloway Katy Perry Photo: MTV News We’re just hours away from the premiere of Katy Perry’s highly anticipated “E.T.” video , featuring Kanye West, on MTV and MTV.com. From what we’ve seen so far — particularly with her complex makeup and costumes — this new clip is definitely Perry’s most over-the-top and highly stylized yet. MTV News correspondent Sway recently sat down with the “Teenage Dream” singer to chat about the extensive makeup process involved in the clip. “It was, like, five and six hours, each makeup look,” Perry said, admitting that it was a challenge for her to remain patient during the process. “It was hard for me! It was really a patience thing for me on this video,” she said. “But, you know, it’s like when you’re doing a film. Sometimes you have to do prosthetics, and you have to get really old or turn into an animal or a monster — and that’s kind of what this process was.” And after the five- to six-hour application process, how long did it take Perry to get out of her getup? “Like, 10 minutes,” she said, laughing. The “E.T.” video will premiere online today at noon on MTV.com, VH1.com and LogoTV.com. Then, “MTV First: Katy Perry’s ‘E.T.’ ” will bow on air at 7:53 p.m. ET before tossing to an MTV.com live stream, featuring MTV News correspondent Sway’s exclusive chat with Perry, an interview with director Floria Sigismondi and reaction from Perry’s fans. Don’t miss the premiere of Katy Perry’s “E.T.” video, featuring Kanye West, at 7:53 p.m. ET tonight on MTV, followed by our live “MTV First” interview with Katy Perry on MTV.com! Related Videos Katy Perry’s ‘E.T.’ Music Video To Premiere On MTV

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Katy Perry Recalls Grueling Makeup Process For ‘E.T.’ Video