Tag Archives: after-the-rape

Offensive Picture of the DAy

Today’s offensive as fuck picture of the day is brought to you by Snooki and her decision to show up her mom of 12 because she’s a rat who is always fucking pregnant…in a bikini…something that is only amazing because she’s not as fat as she was on the show, despite having something growing inside her vagina…a vagina that should be cordoned off as a terrorist threat far greater than the 5 released from GITMO the other day…I’m talking a toxic waste dump that should have been left in the dirty used condom filled sand…of Jersey…or maybe she woulda been better off being left in a used condom back in whatever country she was adopted from… I mean, I really shouldn’t hate her as much as I do…she’s pretty much had her few years of ridiculousness, you know there’s not much left in her…but seeing this pic…brought up repressed memories…like a rape victim who sees a penis for the first time…after the rape…only far far worse.

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Offensive Picture of the DAy