A 7-year-old girl called 911 after touching her Elf on a Shelf because she wanted to apologize to Santa.
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A Girl Called 911 After An Adorable Trauma With An Elf On A Shelf
A 7-year-old girl called 911 after touching her Elf on a Shelf because she wanted to apologize to Santa.
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A Girl Called 911 After An Adorable Trauma With An Elf On A Shelf
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged after-touching, aniston, bennyhollywood, celeb news, first-selfie, holidays, life, live, Mtv, music-news, posted-their, show, update
It’s official. The cast of MTV’s Jersey Shore has touched down in Miami. Our condolences, Miami. For everyone else, let the fist pumping begin! Here’s a shot of the poignant reunion between Mike ” The Situation ” Sorrentino and Ronnie “Homophobic Roid Rage” Magro after touching down in the city … GOOD TO BE BACK : It’s been so long since the GTL days … The pair joined the rest of their castmates as they prepare to shoot the second season of Jersey Shore , which is now kind of a misnomer, as they’re not even there. Oh well. The Jersey Shore quotes should be just as good. Click to enlarge more photos of the gang arriving and getting ready to take South Beach by storm … [Photos: Fame Pictures]
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged after-touching, celeb news, everyone-else, Gossip, Hollywood, jersey-shore, like-the-woman, mistresses, online, sandra, Sex, south-beach, tapes, their-castmates, work