Tag Archives: against-selfie

Rain Brown Hits Back Against Selfie Haters

Everyone deals with grief differently. This is basically a known fact that spans all generations and continents. But apparently no one has mentioned it to a handful of Alaskan Bush People fans. As previously reported, Ami Brown – a lead cast member on the aforementioned Discovery Channel series – has been diagnosed with lung cancer. It is believed to be at the most serious stage and her condition has worsened in recent weeks. We hate to write it, but Ami may not have very much time remaining. In response to this tragic illness, husband Billy Brown has spoken out , telling People Magazine of his family in general and kids in particular: “They’re all trying to get through it as best they can, but no one knows what to do. I do what I can… “This is really hard but this is also the strongest our faith has ever been. Our faith is giving us hope.” The youngest of these kids, of course, is Rain Brown. She’s 15 years old and some strangers out there are actually giving Rain crap for the way she is responding to her mother’s disease. Despite Ami being in the hospital and close to her death bed, Rain continues to share selfies on Instagram. She doesn’t see the big deal. She’s just dealing with this sad scenario as best she can. And she has the following to say to all haters: “Yep another selfie… you gotta love yourself kids no matter who try’s to push you down, you wouldn’t believe the people I have had trying to make me mad and a bad person but I just throw love they’re way along with a witty remark… “My point is always remember love is never wrong… just be and love yourself the rest will fall into place.” Rain has over 14,000 Instagram followers. Most have shown her strong support. She refers to these fans as her “Rainbows.” Last month, she showed them her gratitude via a social media video that included these words: “All of your support and love is amazing and it’s great to know there are so many Rainbows out there.” Brown didn’t go into great detail about her mother’s status at the time, but she fought off tears while making this statement and it’s clear she’s struggling with how to proceed. And you know what? If she wants to post several selfies a day to deal with her grief, so be it. Who the heck are we to judge?!? We’d simply like to send Rain and her relatives nothing the best during this difficult circumstance. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Rain Brown Hits Back Against Selfie Haters