Tag Archives: agelina-jolie

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Divorce on the Way, Ridiculous Tabloid Claims!

You may want to sit down for this one, Brangelina fans: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting divorced ! At least that’s what the new issue of In Touch is claiming, and when has a tabloid ever lied to you? “Insiders” are claiming that things started to go wrong from the moment Pitt and Jolie got married  last summer. You would think they would’ve had some idea of what to expect after more than a decade together, but apparently not: “He says she’s controlled him from day one of their relationship,” says one source. “Although he liked her taking charge at first, he’s come to resent the power he’s allowed her to have over him.” Yes, according to In Touch, Brad is the one who’s walking out: “He’s the one who’s calling time on their marriage. He’s told Angie they’re over, ” says the source. “He’s beyond miserable and wants out.” Somewhere, Jennifer Aniston is cackling maniacally while stroking the cat that she uses as a substitute for the children she never had.  Or maybe she would be if this story wasn’t loaded with more BS than a rodeo stable. The magazine goes on to claim that Brad and Angie will slog through their promotional duties for the upcoming By the Sea, and then announce their split before the end of 2015. It’s a good thing they’re giving us plenty of time to stock up on tissues for the river of tears that’s soon to come.  View Slideshow: Brangelina Photos: Through the Years

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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Divorce on the Way, Ridiculous Tabloid Claims!