Tag Archives: aging-weirdly

Victoria Silvstedt Still in Her Bikini of the Day

I guess I don’t hate Victoria Silvstedt as much as I say that I do, because I still manage to post on her when she is in her bikini, sure she’s the only person the paparazzi are getting pictures of in her bikini because everyone else has gone back to work….So despite her trying to sue me and ruin me early on in the life of this site and years of bitter commentary about her, I think I’ve finally got over the anger because I know she knows she is old and her plastic surgery is aging weirdly, that she doesn’t have talent or a real career, I know she knows all she has going for her is her body and even that is getting older and less relevant, I know she’s decided to be a whore on salary for some midget billionaire who uses her for his weird fetishes he can’t pull on his wife and I guess that means she realizes that she’s nothin’ special, the worthless bottom of the barrel, so talking about her or letting you jerk off to her is more about me doing community service, you know saving a broken soul and reminding her that despite not getting jobs, people still care enough to jerk off to her and I guess that’s my way of thanking her for ruining herself and becoming a little more humble. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still a fuckin’ cunt, just a broken one and I’ve always loved broken cunt….and here she is showing off hers in a white bikini…my favorite… Pics via INF

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Victoria Silvstedt Still in Her Bikini of the Day