Tag Archives: victoria silvstedt

Victoria Silvstedt Is Still Hard At Work

Here’s the hardest working hottie in Hollywood Victoria Silvstedt back at work. And I know that some of you out there are going to point out that putting on a killer leg show for the paps doesn’t count as a “real job,” but save your emails. Because that’s the same thing my mom always tells me about writing dumb jokes about hot nobodies and we all know that’s not true either.

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Victoria Silvstedt Is Still Hard At Work

Crystal Hefner Is 29 Going Onto 55

Normally, I like a Playboy model as much as the next degenerate on the Internet, but I have a hard time figuring out Hugh’s latest “wife”  Crystal Hefner . See, according to Google, she’s 29, but according to my eyes, she’s a 55-year-old cougar. I mean, don’t me wrong, I’d still take her out motorboating, but I always thought cougars were supposed to be into younger men… » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Meet Hottie Holland Roden

I don’t watch MTV’s Teen Wolf , because I’m not a 15-year-old (I just have the maturity level of one), so I can’t say I recognize Holland Roden here. But after seeing the ginger cutie at a fundraiser for Children Mending Hearts, I might have to start. Because funds aren’t the only thing Holland’s helping raise here, if you catch my drift. (I’m talking about the Little Tuna, just so we’re clear.) Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Victoria Silvstedt Is Hard At Work

We haven’t seen Victoria Silvstedt in so long, I was starting to worry she lost her job or something. But not to worry, because here she is back at work. Now I know some of you will probably say laying around on the beach all day in a bikini isn’t a real job, but that’s the same thing my mom told me about sitting in her basement looking at chicks in bikinis all day. And I think we all know that’s not true. Photos: PacificCoastNews

Victoria Silvstedt Is Hard At Work

We haven’t seen Victoria Silvstedt in so long, I was starting to worry she lost her job or something. But not to worry, because here she is back at work. Now I know some of you will probably say laying around on the beach all day in a bikini isn’t a real job, but that’s the same thing my mom told me about sitting in her basement looking at chicks in bikinis all day. And I think we all know that’s not true. Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Guess Who’s Not Working And At The Beach?

Since I’m sure you guys have all had a rough week, I figured I’d share these pictures of your fellow workaholic Victoria Silvstedt at the office. As you can see, she’s got a pretty stressful schedule too, but hey, it’s just all in a day’s work for Victoria. Enjoy. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Guess Who’s Not Working And At The Beach?

Guess Who’s Not Working And At The Beach?

Since I’m sure you guys have all had a rough week, I figured I’d share these pictures of your fellow workaholic Victoria Silvstedt at the office. As you can see, she’s got a pretty stressful schedule too, but hey, it’s just all in a day’s work for Victoria. Enjoy. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Guess Who’s Not Working And At The Beach?

Victoria Silvstedt’s Lips Are Swollen!

I don’t know what happened to Victoria Silvstedt ‘s lips but it looks like she got stung by a bee. Hmm… I think it may be time girl lays off the lip enhancing products. Nonetheless, here she is doing the only job I know she has, and that is showing off her body in a bikini at a beach. Must be a nice life to not have to work. Some girls have it so easy.

Victoria Silvstedt Put Her Cougar Body Back To Work

If you’re anything like me, I’m guessing it was tough for you to go back to work today after the holidays and New Year’s and everything. Either because you’re still hungover or just lazy or both. That said, it made things a lot easier for me when I saw that Victoria Silvstedt was already back to work too. I guess you don’t get many vacation days when you’re professional rich guy arm candy. So here’s Victoria hard at work showing off that killer bikini body of hers, and making it seem worth it that I got out of bed, put on a pair of work sweatpants and walked the ten feet to my desk this morning. I know both me and Victoria have got pretty tough gigs, but hey, everybody’s gotta pay the bills. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Victoria Silvstedt Put Her Cougar Body Back To Work

Victoria Silvstedt Lingerie Pictures

This is crazy. Before this week, I can barely remember the last time we got a set of Victoria Silvstedt pictures that didn’t involve her at the beach or on some rich dude’s yacht, and now we’ve got two in a row. First it was her new gig on some Italian reality show , and now this awesome lingerie shoot for Lindex. And while I’m obviously gonna miss the steady stream of bikini pictures, this is a great sign. Because Victoria’s return to the workforce can only mean one thing: she’s single again. Now where do I send my application to become her new sugar daddy?

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Victoria Silvstedt Lingerie Pictures