Tag Archives: alaska-natives

Bristol Palin Defends Kylie Jenner Again

Bristol Palin has once again come to the defense of Kylie Jenner. A few weeks after oddly praising Kylie for using lip fillers , Palin has jumped online to defend the reality star against Halloween costume haters. Over last holiday weekend, Jenner got dolled up in a fur-trimmed, all-white costume with a platinum wig for a Halloween party. The 18-year-old dubbed the look “Eskimo” and “Snow Princess” on Instagram.  ( Jenner also dressed as some kind of sexy ninja for the occasion.) Kylie didn’t receive all that much backlash for it, really, but some critics thought the outfit was inappropriate because the term “Eskimo” is generally considered a slur. And also because the Inuit and Alaska Natives are actual people, not subjects for parody. Bristol Palin thinks differently, however. And she should know, the expecting mother argues. “Well, as a person born and raised in Alaska (born on Alaska Day, no less) who is also part Yup’ik, let me say this. I’m not offended!” Palin wrote on her Patheos blog. “In fact, I’m flattered that you think Eskimos looks [sic] this chic. “I think “cultural appropriation” Halloween guides are a joke, I think people need to lighten up, and I think you look great!” It is true that Palin’s father, Todd, has Yup’ik ancestry. It’s also true that Bristol loves to butt in on seemingly random topics from time to time, such as when she went off on the IRS . Palin, who is yet to reveal the identity of her second child’s baby daddy, is due to give birth in early 2016. View Slideshow: 21 Famously Unwed Mothers

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Bristol Palin Defends Kylie Jenner Again