Tag Archives: alicia-wadden

Jeremy Bieber Accused of Kung-Fu Kicking Alicia Wadden, Breaking Her Jaw

Already seen as a bad influence on his son, Jeremy Bieber now stands accused of breaking a woman’s jaw 12 years ago. Alicia Wadden, a mother of one, alleges that Justin Bieber’s dad kicked her “kung-fu style” in the face, fracturing it in two places and leaving her unable to eat solid food for two months. It’s unclear what kind of relationship Wadden had with Bieber at the time of this supposed incident, but she says it began verbally and then escaped after she slapped Jeremy across the cheek. “Then out of nowhere, he kicked me in the face and I fell to the ground,” Wadden tells The Daily Mail. “I must’ve been knocked out because all I remember is waking up and not being able to close my mouth.” Wadden livd  just a few block away from a hospital at the time and says she ran there afterward with bits of her tooth falling down her throat. Back then, she accepted $1,000 from Jeremy Bieber to remain quiet, but is coming forward now as a warning to Justin. “He seems to look up to his dad, but he needs to know what he is really like,” Alicia says. “I used to be a huge fan of Justin, I would always think how nice and polite he was, but his dad is a terrible influence on him. He thinks he can get away with anything he does, but I want him to know he can’t.” Jeremy Bieber already has a bad reputation. He was on board a private plane with his son in February in which Jeremy and Justin were extreme abusive to flight attendants and reportedly very high as well. Joe Jonas also came out recently and said he isn’t surprised about Justin Bieber’s downfall because his dad is a party animal . “Justin needs to realize that his dad isn’t the man he seems to think he is,” Wadden concludes. “He looks up to him and that is dangerous because it seems he wants to behave like him to win his approval.”

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Jeremy Bieber Accused of Kung-Fu Kicking Alicia Wadden, Breaking Her Jaw