Tag Archives: alien-robots

Chinese Girls Dance of the Day

I don’t know what this Chinese Girls Dance video is, but I know that I liked it, because Asia is fucking weird, and amazing, and the future and Asian girls can be fucking hot, since they aren’t fat, except the ones that eat too much McDonalds, and I want to eat their little egg rolls whenever I try to seduce them and fail because they are actually alien robots sent to steal manufacturing from AMERICA in order to become the world leader and richest country….that I can’t relate to….but thanks to communism controlling the masses the creepy drone takeover will happen…and I hope these two are the ones who kill me.

The rest is here:
Chinese Girls Dance of the Day

Megan Fox not in transformers 3

Megan Fox, notorious for making attention-grabbing comments to the media, engaged in a public spat with director Bay around the release of part two last summer. But Bay later defended her and said he looked forward to working with her on part three. In announcing “Transformers 3” in October on his blog, http://www.michaelbay.com, he wrote: “P.S. Megan Fox, welcome back. I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way during the production of this motion picture.” PR flak for Megan Fox would

See the original post here:
Megan Fox not in transformers 3