Tag Archives: alive-or-dead

SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]

Father Runs Over His 2 Yr Old Flees The Scene of Accident No License Child with Severe Head Injuries.Danielle Hernandez-Woodall says she can’t understand how the father of her four children could leave, after running over their almost 2-year-old son Friday. “The whole thing was an accident, but the choice that he made afterwards to leave was not okay. He didn’t know if he was alive or dead,” Hernandez-Woodall said. Denver, Colorado police arrested Ross Bobby McCoy over the weekend. He is now facing child abuse charges. The 24-year-old mother of 7-year-old twins, a 4-year-old boy and almost 2-year-old Zayden said that doctors expected her son to be OK. “He says ‘awi’ and he holds his head, and he holds his neck,” she said. “He wants to be outside all the time, now that they allowed us to be outside.” youtube

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SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]