Tag Archives: license-child

Ho Sit Down: Alleged Baller-Killer Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail! Prosecution Seeks Life Sentence Without Parole For Murder!

It’s a wrap! Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail, Charged With Murder And 5 Gun-Related Charges According to TMZ reports : NFL star and murder suspect Aaron Hernandez has just been denied bail … meaning he’ll rot behind bars until his trial … and that could take forever. Hernandez was present in court today for a bail review hearing, where his lawyer begged the judge to release Hernandez from custody while he awaits trial. But the judge wasn’t moved by his arguments — that Hernandez is an upstanding citizen and family man with no flight risk — claiming the prosecution already had very strong evidence that Hernandez had committed the crime. As for the evidence … the prosecutor went through the entire timeline leading up to the murder of Odin Lloyd earlier this month, including matching shell casings found at the murder scene and inside Hernandez’ rental car. He also mentioned the photo TMZ posted last night — showing Hernandez brandishing a glock in the mirror 4 years ago — claiming it’s possible the murder weapon was also a glock. The prosecutor said they’d be seeking the max sentence for Hernandez … life without parole. Hernandez’ fiancee — who was also present in court — was inconsolable when the judge issued her decision to keep the NFL star behind bars. As we reported, Hernandez was remanded into custody yesterday following his arraignment and was ordered to be held WITHOUT bail. Hernandez has been charged with murder in the death of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd. He’s also been hit with 5 gun-related charges. It could be months — even a year — before Hernandez gets his trial. Welp, there you have it. Peace, playa, it’s been real.

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Ho Sit Down: Alleged Baller-Killer Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail! Prosecution Seeks Life Sentence Without Parole For Murder!

SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]

Father Runs Over His 2 Yr Old Flees The Scene of Accident No License Child with Severe Head Injuries.Danielle Hernandez-Woodall says she can’t understand how the father of her four children could leave, after running over their almost 2-year-old son Friday. “The whole thing was an accident, but the choice that he made afterwards to leave was not okay. He didn’t know if he was alive or dead,” Hernandez-Woodall said. Denver, Colorado police arrested Ross Bobby McCoy over the weekend. He is now facing child abuse charges. The 24-year-old mother of 7-year-old twins, a 4-year-old boy and almost 2-year-old Zayden said that doctors expected her son to be OK. “He says ‘awi’ and he holds his head, and he holds his neck,” she said. “He wants to be outside all the time, now that they allowed us to be outside.” youtube

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SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]

SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]

Father Runs Over His 2 Yr Old Flees The Scene of Accident No License Child with Severe Head Injuries.Danielle Hernandez-Woodall says she can’t understand how the father of her four children could leave, after running over their almost 2-year-old son Friday. “The whole thing was an accident, but the choice that he made afterwards to leave was not okay. He didn’t know if he was alive or dead,” Hernandez-Woodall said. Denver, Colorado police arrested Ross Bobby McCoy over the weekend. He is now facing child abuse charges. The 24-year-old mother of 7-year-old twins, a 4-year-old boy and almost 2-year-old Zayden said that doctors expected her son to be OK. “He says ‘awi’ and he holds his head, and he holds his neck,” she said. “He wants to be outside all the time, now that they allowed us to be outside.” youtube

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SMH: Father Runs Over His 2-Year Old Then Flees The Accident Scene! [Video]