This Myla Dalbesio got some old ass titties – but she’s in Sports Illustrated swim with her tits all out all over the goddamn place because at 3000 fucking years old…you start not giving a fuck about who sees them tits….especially when you’re in a Magazine you thought you couldn’t ever be in because you remember their first issue 50 years ago and knew it’d be a stretch…like the elastic waist band of your plus sized big and tall pants… She a size 10 model, which is considered plus size, because it’s fucking huge and at one point in time Miss Teen Wisconsin…back when she was 16…before she ate all the damn cheese she could get her big girl hands on… She’s done a bunch of random shoots, is apparently an artist, and like all artists..she’s full of shit…but so is SI SWim who pander to her, and the public from every angle to try to have a successful advertising year…even though their shit is played out, boring, even with sloppy fat girl tits for the “body positivity” they put out there as “progress” after decades of telling bitches they work with they are too fat. It’s all fluffy lies, PR Shit, but tits happened…big old lady tits…cuz NIPPLE AIMING THE GROUND ON FAT OLD WOMEN WHO SHOULDN’T BE IN SI SHAMING… The post Myla Dalbesio Topless SI Model of the DAy appeared first on .
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Myla Dalbesio Topless SI Model of the DAy