Tag Archives: alledged-drug

Courtney Love Fake Tit Cleavage of the Day

There was a time Courtney Love was my friend. She followed me on TWITTER where she also ignored my questions about the shape and color of her vagina lips, my request for a sketch of her vagina, a description of her vagina in 10 words or less, and pretty much any other message I sent her before she stopped following me on Twitter …and went back to not knowing who the fuck I was…. Here she is showing off some tit. Looking a lot less gutter than I like for my alledged drug addict, muderers, turned popstar who managed to crawl her way back into the gutter and pull herself out of it with Cobain’s money….and really who cares…I just know she’s showing off tit, showered and not looking as good as she normally does, but that’s just cuz I have a gutter girl fetish…

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Courtney Love Fake Tit Cleavage of the Day