Tag Archives: along-the-north

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: We’re Getting Ready For World War III

If you're not familiar with the term “doomsday prepper,” these are the people who devote their lives to stockpiling weapons and canned goods in preparation for the apocalypse that they're secretly hoping will happen while they're still alive. It's a movement that attracts society's most unhinged and violent elements, so it should come as no surprise that Jenelle Evans and David Eason are hardcore preppers. On a preview for Monday night's episode of Teen Mom 2 , Jenelle reveals to her mother that she and David were downright jazzed about Hurricane Florence, as it would allow them to finally put all their doomsday nonsense into action. Sadly, David didn't get the chance to cut any looters in half with one of his ridiculous hand cannons, but hey, there's always next natural disaster. Check out the latest idiocy from these two dweebs: 1. Post-Apocalyptic Warriors If the world should turn into a Mad Max-style wasteland over night, Jenelle and David are ready! Or at least that’s what they tell themselves. 2. Lacking Sensitivity Back when Hurricane Michael devastated neighborhoods along the North Carolina coast, Jenelle and David made the controversial decision to ignore evacuation orders. 3. Not the Brightest Bulb Jenelle took even more criticism for treating the whole thing like a joke. 4. We Can’t With These Two … She also accepted food donations after boasting that her area was barely affected and dismissing the dire forecasts as “fake news.” 5. Preppers Gonna Prep Jenelle was heavily criticized for putting her children in harm’s way, but she says that if the stuff had hit the fan, she and David were fully prepared. 6. Explaining It to Babs In a preview for Monday night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle explains to her mother that she and David were fully prepared for the apocalypse. View Slideshow

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Jenelle Evans & David Eason: We’re Getting Ready For World War III