“Best Director is a nomination I can see for Beasts ; it looks and plays like no other movie you’ll see this year. But Best Actress? Remember, it’s not like throwing a 13-year-old or even a talented 9-year-old up against four adults. The kid you’re seeing onscreen is 6. And yeah, comparing actresses is always apples and oranges, but with the other four, whoever they end up being, we’ll be able to talk about their performances and not the fact that they were bribed with candy on long days, or had their lines rewritten because long words were too hard to say, or were filmed without being aware of it in the hope that natural moments would be captured. Well, maybe the candy thing happens with adults. But to quote the star herself , ‘I didn’t even know about acting. That was just me.’ Also: Telling a kid that young that now her job is to go be interviewed by a lot of grown-ups and have her picture taken so that she can win a prize? Ugh. Yecch. Gross.” [ Grantland ]
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Oscar Preview: Free Quvenzhané Wallis