Tag Archives: always-herself

Miley Cyrus Says She’s A ‘Huge Fan’ Of Lady Gaga

‘I think she’s always herself to the full,’ singer tells MTV News. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Sway Calloway Miley Cyrus Photo: MTV News Miley Cyrus might be pals with pop stars like Justin Bieber and she might make pop albums, but she says that when she goes home at night, pop is the last thing she listens to. Unless, that is, you’re talking about Lady Gaga, in which case she’s all about The Fame Monster. “Huge fan! That’s my pop guilty pleasure. I love Lady Gaga ,” Cyrus recently told MTV News. “I think she’s always herself to the full. I don’t see anyone trying to put together her stuff — she does it herself. She’s very creative, I think, just taking that upon yourself and knowing that the only way it’s going to be done the way you want it to be is to be heavily involved.” Cyrus admits that she really loves Gaga’s whole image; it’s not just about the music. “Even though she’s a pop artist, I look at her videos and I don’t see a squeaky pop singer or perky all the time,” she explained. “Her stuff means real things, so she’s cool. I like her.” Not only does Cyrus admire Gaga, she also recently revealed her love for the late Michael Jackson . But that’s pretty much where the pop music love begins and ends. “People are always like, ‘What do you mean you don’t listen to pop music and you’re a pop artist?’ But there’s something about performing to those dance vibes that is so much fun,” she said. “I work so much, so I like really chill [music] or just rock, you know, real, real stuff. But on my record I like dancing. I like performing pop music.” What do you think of Miley’s comments about Gaga? Tell us in the comments! Related Videos MTV News Extended Play: Miley Cyrus Related Photos The Evolution Of: Miley Cyrus The Evolution Of: Lady Gaga Related Artists Lady Gaga Miley Cyrus

Originally posted here:
Miley Cyrus Says She’s A ‘Huge Fan’ Of Lady Gaga