Tag Archives: always-winning

Paris Hilton’s Bikini Party of the Day

I’ve heard so many stories about Paris Hilton VS Cocaine and the Paris Hilton winning, kind of like the stories of Paris Hilton’s Herpes vs Condoms and the Herpes always winning, not that she uses condoms… I’ve also heard that Paris Hilton, despite seeming like a vapid idiot who loves drugs and sex, like everyone else, she’s actually a genius, and everything she does is strategic, since her family has a name, but the money you’d think she has, she went out and made it on her own…She leveraged her situation and got rich, by pretending to be a little rich bitch and that in and of itself, was a great scam that we can’t hate her for.. I mean she’s been around since I started the site and she’s still got a great fucking body, so despite hating everything about her or at least everything about what we know of her, I’d let her ride my face like a mechanical bull… Here’s her bikini party from instagram. CLICK THE LINKS TO SEE HER IN HER BLACK BIKINI HERE and WHITE BIKINI HERE

Paris Hilton’s Bikini Party of the Day