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Kim Kardashian Video Game: Raking in Millions!

As evidenced many years ago in the  Kim Kardashian sex tape , this reality star knows a thing or two about making money off video. But not even the profits made off Ray J pounding his then-girlfriend compare to the amount of cash Kim has banked from Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, the freemium app in which users climb up the A-list alongside Kim Kardashian as they emulate her nauseating lifestyle. According to the Quarter 3 earnings report from Glu Mobile – the company that developed the game – Kim Kardashian: Hollywood made $43.4 million in the last quarter alone.  This figure accounts for more than was made off the 10 other top-selling Glu Mobile–owned app games combined , including such hits as Deer Hunter and Amazing Battle Creatures. The $43.4 million haul means the Kim Kardashian video game is on pace to make less than the $200 million some had projected for it in 2014. But still. Kim has had to do absolutely nothing, except for lending her name and likeness to the game, in order to bank well into the seven figures in the past three months alone. According to this same report, over 22.8 million people have downloaded the game, playing more than 1.2 billion sessions altogether, meaning human beings have spent more than 5.7 BILLION minutes trying to be like a virtual Kim Kardashian. There is your depressing fact of the day. Kim Kardashian Video Game: A Player’s Guide 1. The Kim Kardashian Video Game Congratulations! You’re Kim Kardashian! Minus 200.

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Kim Kardashian Video Game: Raking in Millions!