Xenia Deli is an amazing kind of Deli, much better than the Jewish Deli where the balding fat woman picks at your sandwich as she makes it…because this Deli has a meaty panty sandwich I want to eat as if it was an all you can eat buffet, where the other Deli, just gives me diarrhea.
Bar Refaeli is boring…she’s a draft dodger in Israel, because she was too busy running around the world half naked with A-List celebrities all while securing her own over-hyped career….and sure her half naked body isn’t all that bad…but then again what half naked body is bad to begin with when you’re not fat and have rocking tits…..and this photoshoot of her doesn’t really make her any more interesting as a person…but I guess when you’re a half naked bitch, being a person, or her personality, morals, values, and character don’t really factor into things….you see cuz being half naked takes precendence…
Sarah Jessica Parker…..the horse woman….is up there with the worst fucking people to ever be on TV….but more importantly the worst fucking people who were celebrated as being attractive, sexual, 30 something documenting her friend’s sex life, all stylish and showing off her big tits for her small frame, distracting from the fact that she was disgusting, cuz other women built her up…and dudes were forced to go along with it, cuz vagina controls us…. So seeing her lookin’ like a zombie you’d need to be on bath salts to wanto to get down with….rocking a see through shirt with no bra…is fucking disgusting…in an amazing kind of way….amazing like Ripley’s Believe it or Not…not amazing like my dick’s so hard I should take a pic of it to use for sexting at a later date cuz it’s peaking….if you know what I mean….worst see through ever….