Tag Archives: amazing-support

Taylor Armstrong: My Husband’s Suicide Drove Me to Drink

It’s been far too long since Taylor Armstrong used her estranged husband’s suicide for profit or attention, hasn’t it? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star is back at it, though, blogging this week about her state of mind – and the state of her liver – after Russell Armstrong took his own life in August 2011. “I went through about nine months where I was drinking to cope with the pain and the memories,” Armstrong wrote yesterday. “I was drinking to forget, to stop the recurring images in my head, to relax enough to try to sleep at night.” On Sunday’s episode of this Bravo hit, Kim and Kyle Richards approached Taylor about her drinking problem, causing Armstrong to reflect and now open up. “I was self-medicating and the sad truth is that I didn’t know another way to get through the days — and nights,” she wrote in her entry. “I was confronted with the truth that the life I thought I had was only an illusion. What I finally realized was that ‘pain waits for you.’ I would medicate for a day and the next morning all the emotions would come flooding back — not to mention the massive headache.” But that’s pretty much now all behind her, the reality star concludes: “Thankfully, I had an amazing support system and they helped me realize that it was time for me to feel my emotions and let the healing begin.” She may be healing off camera going forward, however. Rumors continue to float around that major changes are coming to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast .

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Taylor Armstrong: My Husband’s Suicide Drove Me to Drink