Tag Archives: amber-robinson

This Viral Photo Of A Resilient Raleigh Couple Is The Epitome Of Black Love

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Nearly half of all married couples in the United States divorce in this day and age, so when Amber Robinson provided her followers with a visual reminder that true love still exists, it was duly needed. Amber’s parents, Mr . and Mrs. Brewington , have been together for 47 years, fought two bouts of cancer together, and appear more in love than any couple we’ve ever seen. Amber captioned the photo of her mom and dad in part, “If you are one of the millions in love, or maybe one of the millions of broken-hearted that need a visual reminder that love always endures, I would love for you to share this as a way of letting my mom and dad know, they are an inspiration to anyone who wants, believes, or is in love.” Check out the sweet photo, that has since gone viral, just above and tweet us your thoughts. [ione_media_gallery src=”https://globalgrind.cassiuslife.com” id=”4204974″ overlay=”true”]

This Viral Photo Of A Resilient Raleigh Couple Is The Epitome Of Black Love