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Anjem Choudary drinking pictures

Anjem Choudary with a beer and joint, and right, swigging a cider in one go. In 1996, Choudary married Rubana Akhtar, who was then 22 years old and had recently joined al-Muhajiroun, which he led at the time. She later became the group#39;s head of women.The couple have four children. Choudary has been largely criticised by most UK newspapers, some of whom describe him as an extremist. In January 2010, Guardian contributor Mehdi Hasan wrote: “Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit at

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Anjem Choudary drinking pictures

Kira Kazantsev Domestic Violence

A survivor of domestic violence, the blonde beauty Kira Kazantsev, 23, is committed to raising awareness of the topic, which has become even more of a hot-button issue with the news surrounding NFL player Ray Rice. On Tuesday, Meredith Vieira opened up about her own past confrontation with abuse. Although Miss America Kira Kazantsev chose to be playful during the talent portion of last weekend#39;s competition with her red-cup rendition of Pharrell#39;s “Happy,” her platform is strictly all bus

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Kira Kazantsev Domestic Violence